Monday, October 31, 2011

CNN : "Repeat after me, GOP : "Marco Rubio will not be our savior with Latinos in the 2012 election"" - "The Health Care Act has given/will provide health care access to an additional 9 million Latino citizens, it is no wonder that a majority of Latinos are against repealing the law"

"Rubio is in lock-step with the Tea Party ideology of repealing "Obamacare," in effect stripping millions of Latino voters and their children of the health care coverage they currently or will enjoy.

CNN Opinion
Why Marco Rubio won't help GOP get Latino vote
By Maria Cardona, CNN Contributor

October 28, 2011

Why Marco Rubio won't help GOP get Latino vote

Some excerpts :

My dad went on, "Mijita, if we had come to this country, as many Colombians have done, after surviving a kidnapping in the family, the moment of our arrival would have been burned into our memories forever." He is right. It is the same with real political exiles from Castro's Cuba: They never forget the moment their families made it out and entered the United States. But these discrepancies are not the reason why Rubio is not suited to deliver the Latino vote to Republicans.

The reason is his record. Latinos, both immigrants like my family, and those whose families have been here for centuries, do not vote surnames. Newsflash: We actually look at the records of those who are running. That is why Marco Rubio -- a potential GOP vice presidential nominee -- will not be the "bridge" that Republicans so desperately need with the Latino community. His record is abysmal when it comes to issues that many Latinos care deeply about. Let's take a look:

The economy -- This is the number one issue for Latinos, indeed for all Americans. Marco Rubio, like the entire GOP led by the Tea Party, is adamantly against the president's American Jobs Act even though many of its provisions have had Republican support in the past. According to independent analyses, Obama's plan would create 1.9 million jobs. An overwhelming 78% of Latinos support the jobs bill.

Republicans won't destroy America, even if they win the next Presidential Election. Many Tea Partiers will be furious with the Liberal and Democratic Things of President Mitt Romney, once in the Oval Office

But Obama is the BEST ! :

I consider President Obama as a Great Man and Great President and I see Wonderful Opportunities for a Second Term.

I enjoy every triumph of President Obama - That is Good For America.

Obama is the Great Guy for the Future History Books.

I hope that I can read one of those History Books, if God gives me Life and Health. I will relish it like reading the memoirs of Winston Churchill. Which I enjoyed as a Child.

George W. Bush could not destroy America. I doubt that a new Republican President achieves that unfortunate and unpleasant Feat.


Sunday, October 30, 2011 : On Super Tuesday, a large number of Southern states vote. That will be an interesting day, pitting antiBlack bigotry against antiMormon bigotry. It would be a real milestone for a black man to sweep the South, but don't count on it

"Some of the people who hate Obama are racists and would never vote for a black person under any conditions. In a race between Obama and Cain they would stay home or vote for a minor party candidate".
Cain First, Romney Real Winner in NV Straw Poll

Cain First, Romney Real Winner in NV Straw Poll

Some excerpts :

There is no way on God's green earth that the Republican leadership (think: Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Karl Rove) will allow Herman Cain to be the Republican nominee because President Obama would crush him in the general election. But by sucking up all the oxygen that Perry desperately needs, Cain helps eliminate the one serious threat to Romney.

Cain doesn't even have a serious campaign organization but he appears to be able to inflict serious damage to Perry, thus leaving Romney as the last man (or woman) standing.

POLITICO.COM : Mitt Romney has been on both sides of important issues : "He’s been for a ban on guns in Massachusetts. He’s been pro-abortion. He’s been for supporting gay rights. And now he’s on the other side of those issues"

Perry: Negative attacks okay, if truthful
by James Hohmann
October 30, 2011

Perry: Negative attacks okay, if truthful

Some excerpts :

Rick Perry attacked Mitt Romney as an inconsistent flip-flopper Sunday, adding that negative attacks are okay if they are true.

“I have been a consistent conservative,” the Republican presidential contender said on "Fox News Sunday. “I have always been in favor of the Second Amendment…I’ve always been pro-life. I’ve always been a fiscal conservative. And Mitt’s been on both sides of those issues. He’s been for a ban on guns in Massachusetts. He’s been pro-abortion. He’s been for supporting gay rights. And now he’s on the other side of those issues.”

“We are very, very different from the standpoint of consistency on those issues that I just mentioned,” Perry added.

Asked about bringing on a host of new advisers who have a history of going negative, the Texas governor said, "“If we’re telling the truth about someone, the truth is the truth – whether it hurts your feelings or not,” he said, telegraphing that the race is about to take an even nastier turn.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Video : Papantonio: The Consequences of Violent Right Wing Rhetoric - Murders in a Church : The gunman told investigators that he believed people like Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly when they tell their listeners that liberals want to destroy America

This is a story that has happened many times. The Right Wing Media prompts Idiotic Fanatics to Political Murder.

Uploaded by golefttv on Oct 29, 2011

A few years ago, a right wing extremist took his shotgun into a church and shot two people dead. He committed these murders because the victims were liberals -- people who in his mind were destroying America. The gunman told investigators that he believed people like Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly when they tell their listeners that liberals want to destroy America. This story highlights just how dangerous the conservative media has become. Mike Papantonio talks about the influence that the media has over the public with Maria Armoudian, author of the new book "Kill The Messenger: The Media's Role in the Fate of the World."

Papantonio: The Consequences of Violent Right Wing Rhetoric


Friday, October 28, 2011

The New Republic : The greatest concern of swing independents and centrists now is jobs and economic growth, and they are therefore unlikely candidates for recruitment into a radical center supporting a Grand Bargain on the national deficit

Obama won't win over swing voters by being conciliatory and bipartisan pleasing the Republican Obstructionists and the Fanatic Extremist Party of NO.

The New Republic
David Brooks’s Awful Advice to Obama
October 28, 2011

By Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein
Thomas Mann is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Norman Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. They are together completing a book on America’s dysfunctional politics.

David Brooks’s Awful Advice to Obama

Some excerpts :

Maneuvering tirelessly to stake out some elusive political center, in other words, won’t help Obama win over swing voters. It’ll just set him up for another year of looking weak and ineffectual. As even Brooks acknowledges, this is the approach Obama has followed most of his time in the White House—the one that Republicans turned into a political liability for the president through a disciplined campaign to oppose, obstruct, discredit, and nullify everything he has tried to do. It was perfectly understandable for Obama to try to deliver on his promise of a post-partisan Washington, even if he was naïve at best, disingenuous at worst. But by doing so he paid a tremendous political price, among his supporters, but also with swing voters, who were not much taken with his effort to work with Republicans to stave off a totally unnecessary threat of default—and who viewed him as weak when the process looked so dysfunctional in the end that the U.S got downgraded by Standard and Poor’s.

Obama should likewise know by now that working with a supercommittee whose Republican members are under orders from their House and Senate leaders to oppose all revenue increases is a fool’s errand. And imagining that a substantial center in the American public will respond positively to such an approach is pure fantasy. What sense does it make for Obama embrace an agenda without any support on the other side of the aisle, and make nice to a party whose sole objective is to deny him reelection? One should note the reaction, documented by Politico, of a key Republican Senate leadership staffer to Obama’s endorsement of the Gang of Six deficit-reduction framework in July—if Obama is for it, we have to be against it.

Moreover, if there is any hope of achieving bipartisan policy success, it will come from Republicans believing that blocking the president’s initiatives or offers will cause them political harm. Mitch McConnell admitted as much when he acceded to a deal on the debt limit—not because it would avert economic chaos, not because a conciliatory president offered it to him, but because, in his own words, the failure to do so would damage “the Republican brand.” In other words, Obama’s new approach of turning up the heat—by calling out Republicans for their obstruction and their opposition even to ideas they have previously embraced, like a continuing payroll tax cut—actually has more chance of achieving the policy outcomes Brooks wants than his conciliatory approach.

Obama, at the center of today’s political spectrum, should therefore be explicit and forceful in communicating the stark differences between the parties and the source of inaction and gridlock in Washington. To do anything less would be a disservice to the public, his party, and his hopes for a constructive and consequential presidency.


Two VIDEOs : Super Conservative Pundit George F. Will - George Will argues that Romney is "another Massachusetts governor running as a technocrat who's brand is competence, not ideology". Listen to Rush Limbaugh in another VIDEO

George F. Will : "Republicans are embracing Herman Cain because Mitt Romney does not persuade them" - "Another Michael Dukakis"

Rush Limbaugh comments on Michael Dukakis compared to Mitt Romney by George F. Will. Put the Rush Limbaugh VIDEO in 5:00 ( Minute Five ) to start the Rant on Dukakis and Romney.

Round Table with Christiane Amanpour,

Uploaded by toddfein on Oct 24, 2011

George Will - Romney is GOP's Dukakis


Listen to Rush in minute 5:00 ( minute five ) as he starts a rant on Dukakis and Romney.

Rush Limbaugh Talks About Obama Pulling Out Iraq And The Michael Dukakis Of The Republican Party

Uploaded by MrTimotheus85 on Oct 24, 2011

Rush Limbaugh Talks About Obama Pulling Out Iraq And The Michael Dukakis Of The Republican Party, Mitt Romney


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Obama in Hollywood Gala : "thank you to Eva [Longoria]. She is just a powerhouse. I don’t know how much -- (applause) -- I couldn’t say no if she had called me". (Laughter.) - "To Melanie and Antonio -- could not be more gracious hosts, and their beautiful family. Read Full Speech here

I link to Obama's Full speech, but I cut and present the most impressive part of what this Superb Campaigner said :

Appearing at his second fundraiser last night at the Hancock Park home of Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas, This is Obama's speech :

Wilshire and Washington
Obama at L.A. Latino Event: "These President Years Are Dog Years"
By Ted Johnson
Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 8:25 AM

Obama at L.A. Latino Event: "These President Years Are Dog Years"

Some excerpts of the Speech :

Hello, everybody! Well, it is good to be here tonight. Everybody please have a seat. Make yourselves comfortable.

Although some of them have already been acknowledged, I just want to say, first of all, thank you to Eva. She is just a powerhouse. I don’t know how much -- (applause) -- I couldn’t say no if she had called me. (Laughter.) So -- and between her and Giselle and all the folks who helped to make this Futuro Fund possible, I am grateful.

To Melanie and Antonio -- could not be more gracious hosts, and their beautiful family. Thank you so much. (Applause.) We are grateful to you.

We have some great guests. Somebody who -- daughter of a Teamster, fighting for working people every single day, and one of my favorite people, just a great member of my Cabinet, Hilda Solis. We are so proud of her. (Applause.)

There are two of my majors -- two -- there are two of my favorite mayors as well: Mayor Villaraigosa and Mayor Castro. They work hard every single day on behalf of their constituents. So we’re proud of them. (Applause.)

One of the finest senators we have in the country, Bob Mendendez of New Jersey is here in the house. (Applause.) And a personal hero of mine, Dolores Huerta is here. (Applause.) Where’s Dolores at? Where is she? There she is back there. We love her.

Before I came to Los Angeles today, I was in Las Vegas. And I think as many of you know, Las Vegas has been hit as hard as any part of the country as a consequence of a housing bubble that burst. Unemployment is higher than it is any place in the country. There are more homes that are underwater than just about any place in the country.

And we went to announce a new program that we have for refinancing of mortgages, because so many people are having difficulty refinancing, taking advantage of these low rates. Their mortgages are now higher than what the homes are being valued for, and as a consequence the banks won’t refinance. And so we took some executive action to try to get this fixed.

But what was interesting was the setting. We went into this subdivision and we visited the home of the Bonillas -- Jose and Lissette. And their story is a classic American story. Jose had come here 26 years ago as an undocumented worker. And he got a job sweeping floors in a supermarket.

He met Lissette, who was also undocumented, and was a housekeeper. And when the amnesty program came, they were able to get legal status here in this country. They had three beautiful children, and for 17 years they lived in a one-bedroom apartment -- all three, the three kids in bunk beds in one room and Jose and Lissette slept in the living room. And that’s how they raised their family. But they worked incredibly hard, they saved. Eventually each of them got U.S. citizenship. And Jose rose up through the ranks until he was finally a manager at this supermarket. But they still didn’t have enough money for a home. And then a program that we had set up, that we’re now trying to replicate all across the country, took homes that were vacant, that had been foreclosed on, and converted them. And so they finally got their first home.

And they invited in the President of the United States, after apologizing to their neighbors for blocking the streets -- (laughter) -- to their home, and we sat around the dining room table and talked about their life and their experience and what was happening to their friends and neighbors and those who had lost their homes and those whose families had been separated. And at one point in the conversation, Jose says, “Understand our dream is not complete. Our dream will not be complete until my children have all gone to college, and they have a home of their own, and everybody here in this country understands that they are full-fledged Americans.” (Applause.)

Now, what struck me in this conversation was not how unique their story is but how typical their story is of what built this country -- that spirit of being willing to take enormous risks, of coming to a new land, of charting a new course, of starting at the bottom and working your way up, of putting your blood, sweat and tears into this distant vision for the future. That’s what built this country. That’s the essence of America; that’s its foundation. And when I ran for President I ran not because of the title, not because of a pursuit of power, but because I so deeply believed in those ideals and those values -- (applause) -- that helped to propel this country forward and made it a beacon for all the world.

That’s what America is. That’s why all around the world even today people still think about this country differently than they think about other countries, no matter how critical they may be sometimes, no matter how frustrated they may be. The American ideal, the American creed is one that animates the entire world. And I ran for President because I want to make sure that this country remains that beacon and remains that ideal. (Applause.) And that the hopes of the Joses and the Lissettes, people all across the country, regardless of their station, regardless of what they look like, regardless of where they come from, that they’re going to be able to have that piece of the American Dream.

Now, part of the reason that I ran was because too many people felt that dream slipping away. For a decade, we saw that dream neglected. And so even though some of us were extraordinarily fortunate, those of us at the very top were doing very well, the average family saw their wages flatline, their incomes flatline -- even as the cost of everything from a college education to their health care to their groceries to their gas was going up. More and more people felt like they were working harder just to stay in the same place, or not to fall behind.

Here I cut a lot

But here’s the message I want to deliver to you today -- is, don’t get weary. (Laughter.) Don’t get tired. Because I’m not tired. I may be gray, but I’m not tired. (Applause.) My passion is still there. My commitment is still there. (Applause.) My vision for this country is still there. (Applause.) And if you’re still there, then we’re going to win this election, and we are going to create the kind of America that our children and our grandchildren deserve.

God bless you. God bless the United States of America. (Applause.)


POLITICO.COM : "Great Expectations" for Democrats and Liberals : Rick Perry, Archangel sent to stop or delay Mitt Romney, or at least do great harm to the "Front Runner" and Favorite of Pollsters, Gamblers and Bettors. - Democrats and Liberals should love Rick Perry, unless he is nominated ( not probable )

Love Rick Perry as much as possible with your Democrat and Liberal Heart - He is our Knight against Dragon Mitt Romney.

"Romney is the opponent Democrats most fear, and whom Obama strategists view as the near-certain Republican nominee. Yet even among strategists who assume Romney will be Obama’s opponent, Perry’s newly feisty performance on the campaign trail has raised hopes that he may drag out the primary fight and bloody Romney ahead of the main event".

Barack Obama’s new ally: Rick Perry
President Barack Obama’s political machine is increasingly making common cause with Texas Gov. Rick Perry against a shared enemy: Mitt Romney.

October 27, 2011

Barack Obama’s new ally: Rick Perry

Some excerpts :

Obama supporters aren’t exactly coordinating attacks with Perry. But the Texas governor and national Democrats are reinforcing and amplifying a single, sharply negative message that benefits them both: that Romney is a soulless political opportunist who doesn’t deserve the presidency.

It’s a familiar attack that could resonate with voters in both the primary and general elections — and that strategists say can be delivered from the left and right with almost equal effect.

“It will be hard for Romney to beat Obama if he can’t get out from under the flip-flop narrative,” said former Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Karen Finney. “It plays into concerns the primary voters have that he can’t be trusted [and it’s] equally important in a general election against an incumbent president people like and trust.

“It’s not just that there is an alignment of interests” between Obama and Perry, Finney said. “But more importantly, it illustrates how vulnerable Romney is on this issue.”

As one Democratic operative aligned with Obama explained the strategy: “You get in the slipstream and get in behind the collective anti-Romney message. You jump in and draft off that.”

Far from an attempt to tilt the outcome of the Republican primary, the operative called the Democratic messaging push a “bow to the obvious” — that Romney’s likely to be the GOP standard-bearer.

“The thing that is unique about Romney, though, is that if you close your eyes and have somebody read the attacks on Romney it would be impossible to know if it’s coming from Perry, [Rick] Santorum, the DNC, [Democratic strategist Bill] Burton or [Obama spokesman Ben] LaBolt: that he doesn’t believe anything, that you can’t trust him, that he’s a flip-flopping weasel,” the Democrat said. “The fight he’s having in the primary is the fight he’s gonna have in the general.”

At the moment, Perry is as much a part of that fight as the Obama campaign and its Democratic allies.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Necessary for Economic Recovery : a redistribution of income away from profits toward wages, enabled by tax policy and enforced by government spending. Consumer debt and government spending is the main factor in economic growth. More important than anything else

The New York Times
It’s Consumer Spending, Stupid
October 25, 2011

James Livingston, a professor of history at Rutgers, is the author of “Against Thrift: Why Consumer Culture Is Good for the Economy, the Environment and Your Soul.”

It’s Consumer Spending, Stupid

Some excerpts :

Between 1900 and 2000, real gross domestic product per capita (the output of goods and services per person) grew more than 600 percent. Meanwhile, net business investment declined 70 percent as a share of G.D.P. What’s more, in 1900 almost all investment came from the private sector — from companies, not from government — whereas in 2000, most investment was either from government spending (out of tax revenues) or “residential investment,” which means consumer spending on housing, rather than business expenditure on plants, equipment and labor.

In other words, over the course of the last century, net business investment atrophied while G.D.P. per capita increased spectacularly. And the source of that growth? Increased consumer spending, coupled with and amplified by government outlays.

The architects of the Reagan revolution tried to reverse these trends as a cure for the stagflation of the 1970s, but couldn’t. In fact, private or business investment kept declining in the ’80s and after. Peter G. Peterson, a former commerce secretary, complained that real growth after 1982 — after President Ronald Reagan cut corporate tax rates — coincided with “by far the weakest net investment effort in our postwar history.”

President George W. Bush’s tax cuts had similar effects between 2001 and 2007: real growth in the absence of new investment. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, retained corporate earnings that remain uninvested are now close to 8 percent of G.D.P., a staggering sum in view of the unemployment crisis we face.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

VIDEO, Obama is hugged by Latinos and talks to Children that are surprised and elated with the Unexpected Apparition or Epiphany of the President showing up to eat chicken. Great Presidential Empathy and Sympathy to the common man and voter - Great Campaigner

Uploaded by Coolins335 on Oct 25, 2011

President Obama visits Roscoe's chicken and waffles


"Americans love so much to be fooled" - French Poet and Philospher Charles Baudelaire - Americans in 182x and 183x were more naive and gullible than now in 2011 and 2012 - Jesus of Nazareth against Prophet Joseph Smith and Mitt Romney

"People may truly benefit by the confidence man's trickery, if they gain something valuable through their believing". - People may believe absurd things if they expect some profit from the deception. The enjoyment of Polygamy or any other benefit.

It is very clear that Jesus was a great master of wisdom and meekness. A man of peace ( except for the aggressive behavior at the temple ). The Christian Gospels are full of Wisdom and a Philosophy for Peace and Human Understanding. I can say the same of the teachings of Gautama Buddha.

Joseph Smith was a scoundrel, and CON MAN ( this comes from "Confidence Man" ), that is a swindler and deceiver, a thief that went many times to jail. An abuser of Women that had many quarrels with his first wife.

The Mormon teachings and their "revelation" are sheer foolishness. After such a Prophet or God like Jesus Christ, there were no more revelations needed. That was the teaching of the Established Church for 1,500 years and the what the main Reformers in Europe taught in 15xx and 16xx.

So for me, Prophet Joseph Smith was the epitome and paradigm of the Con Man in 182x and 183x. The word "Con Man" did not exist at that time. They were called JUGGLERS and Joseph Smith was called JUGGLER many times before courts for all his wrongdoings.

He swindled people with magic crystals to find treasures and with many other schemes to make money.

It has been said that Americans side and vote for Republicans because they expect to become rich "real soon" and expect to be millionaires or billionaires and that is good ( the money, not the GOP ).

So if you expect to be a millionaire then you better start hating taxes for the Rich and Wealthy, even if you are jobless and have sent hundreds of letters and forms asking for a job.

But will this be enough to elect Mitt Romney ??, a man that believes or feigns to believe in the absurd teachings and deceptions of Prophet Joseph Smith ??

I don't know but I don't like the nuclear red button in the hands of such ignorants, fools, morons, or men that practice such deception as feigning to be in these cults and superstitions.

Expect more attacks of me against such ignorance and superstition as the Mormon Religion. And don't forget that throughout History this Mormon Religion has being a den of Racism against Blacks and probably against others.

Vicente Duque

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Can a bunch of politicians and bureaucrats, largely shielded from public accountability provide something as ambiguous and vast as “national security” ??? - Without turning the entire project into a giant pork-barrel scheme and making a general mess of things ??

Super Conservative Republicans : The Future Freedom Foundation : Article : "Conservatives and American Empire".

Randolph Bourne’s declaration : “war is the health of the state”.

“American exceptionalism : This is the notion that the United States is a uniquely virtuous nation, one committed to human rights, liberty, and peace; and therefore her government can pursue global hegemony without becoming a menace".

The Future Freedom Foundation
Conservatives and American Empire
October 21, 2011

by Tim Kelly
Tim Kelly is a columnist and policy advisor at the Future of Freedom Foundation in Fairfax, Virginia, a correspondent for Radio America's Special Investigator, and a political cartoonist.

Conservatives and American Empire

Some excerpts :

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer said in 2002, “People are coming out of the closet on the word ‘empire.’” Krauthammer even boasted that America is “no mere international citizen. It is the dominant power in the world, more dominant than any since Rome.” Robert Kagan has written of “The Benevolent Empire.” Dinesh D’Souza, after writing in 2002 that “America has become an empire,” approvingly added that it is “the most magnanimous imperial power ever.”

Andrew Bacevich is one conservative who takes a skeptical view of America’s global predominance. He ridicules the idea “that the promotion of peace, democracy, and human rights and the punishment of evil-doers, not the pursuit of self-interest, has defined the essence of American diplomacy.” Bacevich believes the goal of the U.S. military has been “to achieve something approaching omnipotence,” and he mocks the idea that such power in the hands of American officials “is by definition benign.”

U.S. officials justify America’s globe-girdling hegemony as a necessary condition for the preservation of world peace and stability. Like the Roman Empire of the first century or the British Empire of the nineteenth, the United States is the “indispensable nation,” standing taller and seeing further than all others. But even a superficial examination of the facts exposes such claims as delusional self-aggrandizement. The U.S. government is merely a group of very fallible people who have proven incapable of managing even domestic affairs, let alone the world. Far from giving Americans protection, the U.S. government’s imperial foreign policy has been creating enemies in every corner of the world while debauching the currency, draining the treasury, and burdening future generations with crushing debt.

Perhaps the enthusiasm so many conservatives show for American militarism and adventurism abroad can be explained by their misunderstanding of the fundamental nature of the state.

As Murray Rothbard said, “the State is nothing more nor less than a bandit gang writ large.” It is naïve to expect a bunch of politicians and bureaucrats, largely shielded from public accountability, to provide something as ambiguous and vast as “national security” without turning the entire project into a giant pork-barrel scheme and making a general mess of things. But Rothbard was purged from the Right for his heresy of rejecting the Cold War consensus, and his libertarian insights were largely ignored by the postwar conservative movement.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

POLITICO.COM : Obama in Enemy and Hostile Territory with Confederate Flags and Unwelcoming People. - Obama is stiff and does not connect well - But only in one stop and for the first time on the trip, Obama really connected with a blue-collar white audience in a GOP-dominated suburb, with firefighters and other municipal workers who support federal spending to preserve their jobs

Obama the Brave and Bold : Obama is learning to fight for his life in Confederate Ground - This was Segregation Territory, a few decades ago :

"Confederate flags, including one giant specimen a half-mile from the day care center in Brodnax, abounded. So did tea party protesters, present in small, vocal clusters outside several Obama events".

Obama is too much of a Gentleman and Intellectual, but he has to learn the subtle Art of Politicking if he wants a second term as President. Obama has to connect more with the White Working Class. I have no doubt that Blacks, Latinos and Minorities are going to vote for him in Big Proportions or Bigger than in 2008.

Obama has to learn to be more easygoing and relaxed with "Enemy" audiences. Of course Obama is fighting for their Economic Well Being, but these people are accustomed to vote against their own economic interest ( for the Republicans ).

"Obama ventured into areas that will never vote for him, something few politicians have the guts to do. He appeared in places a liberal African-American politician seldom treads, including the North Carolina hamlets of Millers Creek (pop. 2,071; 99 percent white) and Jamestown (pop. 3,088; 87 percent white), which both went two-to-one for John McCain in 2008".

Why Do Republican enemies say that Obama is a Sissy, Weakling and Coward before Enemies, Bullies and Dictators ??


Obama: Alone on the bus

October 22, 2011

Obama: Alone on the bus

Some Excerpts :

“He is not out here campaigning for himself or for other candidates,” Carney explained to reporters on Wednesday. “The president is focused on the important matter at hand, which is getting the American Jobs Act passed and signed into law.”

One Democratic operative, otherwise skeptical of Obama’s itinerary, told POLITICO: “Give him credit. … It’s the equivalent of [House Speaker John] Boehner and [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell spending a day in Harlem. Can you imagine those guys doing that?”

In speeches throughout the trip, Obama gave himself credit for his audacity, in what has become the most popular passage of his evolving stump speech.

“Now, a number of people have been asking during the course of this road trip, why have you been visiting some of the most Republican parts of North Carolina and Virginia?” he asked an audience of about 400 in a Richmond-area firehouse. “And what I’ve had to remind them is that I’m not the Democratic president, I’m not the Republican president — I’m the president of the United States of America,” he added to hoots and applause.

The president seemed happiest and most relaxed during the couple of hours his wife was around. Not surprisingly, his most buoyant stops came in the areas surrounding Greensboro, N.C., and Emporia, Va., which have large African-American populations.

On Tuesday, the motorcade pulled into Brodnax in southern Virginia, and the president plunged into a crowd gathered at the local post office and a day care center.

“Obama shook my hand,” crowed Shabaka Crayton, a supervisor at Home Depot, echoing the adoration lavished on Obama in 2008. “I won’t wash my hand. Barack came to Brodnax.”

Other stretches of road offered no such solace. After a decades-long Democratic presidential drought, Obama in 2008 won Carolina by a few thousand votes, Virginia by seven points. But there were reminders that the fast-changing region isn’t entirely friendly terrain.


The consensus among the traveling press was that the crowds, even those supportive of Obama, seemed smaller and less enthusiastic than on the Midwest trip, perhaps due to the rain that descended on Virginia late Tuesday.

The best event for Obama turned out to be the smallest, the one where everything went wrong.

Two thousand or more people had been expected outside the North Chesterfield Fire Station Nine if the sun had been shining Wednesday, but the rain forced everyone to cram inside the small firehouse bay. It was hot. The lighting was so unflattering that Obama’s sleeveless T was visible under his dress shirt. He read from notes, not the TelePrompter. And the national media, watching it all on TV, thought he looked worn out.

But, for the first time on the trip, Obama really connected with a blue-collar white audience in a GOP-dominated suburb, with firefighters and other municipal workers who support federal spending to preserve their jobs.

“Let’s focus on what will actually put people back to work. Keeping first responders on the job — that’s a jobs plan,” he said, interrupted by applause.

The crowd was buzzing, but pool reporters were rounded up and quickly ushered out, another stop on the “Pack up guys!” express.

The president worked the crowd briefly, but he was soon gone, too, wheels up on the 17-minute flight back to Washington.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

VIDEO, Bill Maher : Prophet Joseph Smith was a Con Man, everywhere he went he had to flee because he screwed people out of their money. He had to keep moving to avoid angry mobs. Mormonism has taken the word Crazy to a New Level

"The Republican Candidates finally played the "Mormon Card" on Mitt Romney : Catholic and Protestant Republican Candidates getting all high and mighty on Mormons"

Yes these fools are praising Mitt Romney and ignoring his Mormonism ! WOW WOW WOW !

Are you too gullible to believe in a world of Fantasy ??

Real Time with Bill Maher (10-14-11) - Religion (and Mormonism) is a Con


Video : Hottest Friend of Barack Obama in Sexy Lingerie : Desperate Housewives Star Eva Longoria hosts a reception for Obama in the House of Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas, October 24 Fundraiser. HOT Fan of Obama

President Barack Obama will be in attendance, as will Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and San Antonio mayor Julian Castro.

Tickets to the bash range from $5,000 to $35,800 -- which includes a photo reception for two.

Eva Longoria has been in many rallies and meetings for Obama since he was a candidate, and she has spoken in the White House, always supporting the President.

Uploaded by Kroko5678 on Jun 30, 2008

Eva Longoria Parker,

Sexy Body Gute firgur super Schauspilerin.

The Hot Video of Eva Longoria


The New Republic : Ruy Teixeira : "Among Americans who have heard of the OWS movement, favorable views outnumber unfavorable by a margin of more than two to one" - "Much to everyone’s surprise, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has rapidly gained support and media attention in the short span since its emergence on September 17"

The New Republic
Why a Majority of Americans Are Getting Behind Occupy Wall Street
By Ruy Teixeira, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.
October 20, 2011

Why a Majority of Americans Are Getting Behind Occupy Wall Street

Some excerpts :

So what’s driving it? Broadly speaking, it’s the belief that inequality of wealth and power is out of control and is undermining the welfare and future of the “other 99 percent.” This is a powerful idea and liberals should welcome it, since it happens to be true and accords with much of what liberals have been arguing for decades. And liberals should welcome OWS’ popularization of the idea even more because, on their own, they’ve had shockingly little success making economic inequality a fighting issue.

The reason for this is that inequality as an issue has never gotten much beyond moral condemnation and complaints that current levels are unnecessary and unfair. The American public has largely agreed with this critique, but it has typically failed to make a strong connection between inequality and its own prospects for getting ahead. That connection is strengthening, however, as the economic downturn drags on, while Wall Street, the banks, and the economically powerful continue business as usual. OWS is building on this dawning recognition that inequality is not just bad or morally wrong, but a huge obstacle in the way of the other 99 percent’s future. Fighting inequality has gone from option to necessity: There is now no choice but to confront the economically powerful and somehow restructure the system to promote economic mobility.

And that’s why, among Americans who have heard of the OWS movement, favorable views outnumber unfavorable by a margin of more than two to one. OWS is saying out loud what a lot of Americans are already feeling. The time is right for an outbreak of aspirational populism—OWS is now twice as popular as the Tea Party—and liberals should hop on board.

Robert Reich : Consumer spending (70 percent of the economy) is flat or dropping because consumers are losing their jobs and wages, and don't have money. And businesses aren't hiring because they don't have enough customers

Republican candidates are all calling for major spending cuts starting as soon as possible. This is the best recipe for Economic Catastrophe. Because Government Spending is what can boost the economy.

Republican Economic Ignorance can do great harm to the American Economy and paralize any hope of recovery.

Huffington Post
The Austerity Death Trap
October 19, 2011

By Robert Reich
Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley; Author, 'Aftershock'

The Austerity Death Trap

Some excerpts :

But even without these hair-brained Republican plans, we're heading in their direction anyway. Unless Republicans agree to a budget deal before the end of the year (don't hold your breath), the temporary payroll tax cuts and extended unemployment benefits we have now will end.

The result will be the most stringent fiscal tightening of any large economy in the world.

Together with ongoing cuts at the state and local government level, the scale of this fiscal contraction would be almost unprecedented.

It will come at a time when 25 million are Americans looking for full-time work, median incomes are dropping, home foreclosures rising, and a record 37 percent of American families with young children are in poverty.

To call this economic lunacy is to understate the point.

And if you think 2011 is bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Even if you're a deficit hawk this is nuts. Instead of reducing the ratio of debt to the size of the overall economy, this strategy increases the ratio because it causes the economy to shrink.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Republican Debate in Las Vegas : Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - The Candidates proposed the best ways to aggravate the American Economic Problems, specially Joblessness, the cures that the Candidates propose will sicken the patient even more

I felt a lot of repugnance, revulsion, repulsion, dislike and aversion but I could finish watching this orgy of unreason, from beginning to end.

I do not want to sin by exaggerating and creating a lot of fear. A republican president probably won't sink the American Empire, even George W. Bush could not destroy America in its Economy and Foreign Policy, even if his eight years were lost economic time and a military quagmire.

So America is strong and resilient, as we saw in the George W. Bush years, and it could not be destroyed by that bad Government, even if it caused a Big Recession, the greatest since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

America is so strong because of its institutions, ideology of Free Enterprise and Freedom of Speech - This nation can even endure a Government of Mitt Romney without sinking like the Titanic Ship of the Movie.

President Obama is a man that I greatly admire and love, a Great Man and President, and he probably exaggerated a little when he said that a Republican Administration from 2013 to 2016 would cripple the American Economy. But there is a lot of reason in that assertion.

The Republican Candidates never refer to Economic History of America or other nations. They seem perfectly ignorant of the Economic Wisdom of the Ages, and of the Political History of the World.

And even worse there is a lot of fanaticism, bigotry, prejudice and racism in their repeated campaign lines and empty slogans of these vain and frivolous celebrities.

I have compared the Republican Candidates to a Parrots Perch, some other have compared them to "Alice in Wonderland" and to the characters of the "Wizard of Oz".

Why ?? - Because of the Magic Solutions to very complex economic problems that they do not understand and are unable to understand. And because of the constant parroting and repetition of empty phrases and ridiculous lies that seem like platitudes but are dangerous darts against reason and good sense.

"I will be a Good President because I was a successful Businessman".

"I will be a Good President because I am a tax accountant"

"I will fight for Women and Moms, Women and Moms, Women and Moms"

"I will fight for Family Values, Family Values, Family Values"

They are empty celebrities looking for Money, the money that comes from selling books, working for Fox News, or stealing campaign money from the fools that donate.

They are empty celebrities like Sarah Palin that became rich preaching nonsense, bigotry, racism, etc ... in the Good Company of that Unsurpassed and Superb Crazy of Craziness : Mr Glenn Beck.

All of them looking for endorsements from Rush Limbaugh and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

This is the Glorification of Ignorance, Irresponsibility, Bigotry, Fanaticism, Racism and Lies.

Vicente Duque

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

VIDEO, Papantonio : GOP Ready To Steal 2012 Election - Suppression of Democratic Voters : Sudents, New Voters, Minorities, etc .... - Winning an Election by forbidding the other side to vote. For Republicans suppression of the Obama vote is their best chance to win the Election


Uploaded by golefttv on Oct 15, 2011

The GOP is in bad shape heading into the 2012 election, as their crop of potential candidates isn't winning over the support of the public. So they've come up with another plan to win back the White House -- they're going to prevent Democrats from voting. By implementing new forms of poll taxes and voter ID requirements, the GOP is hoping to prevent under privileged voters from casting a vote for Obama.

Papantonio: GOP Ready To Steal 2012 Election


POLITICO.COM : "It’s just a toxic environment right now. So the president needs to show he can relate to ordinary people, and he’s fully capable of that. He just needs to show empathy. He can’t have the George H.W. Bush problem, not knowing how much a gallon of milk or a gallon of gas costs. He needs to be making trips like this every week"

Rep. Gerry Connolly, a Democrat who represents the Northern Virginia suburbs, said the weak Republican field makes him confident about the president’s reelection prospects.

“This field looks like Snow White and the seven dwarfs,” Connolly said. “They’re competitive only because of the economy…I think the Republicans are smoking something exuding any confidence in this field.”

Where Barack Obama’s independent problem began
October 18, 2011

Where Barack Obama’s independent problem began

Some excerpts :

The Obama campaign says the president’s new tougher pitch for jobs is just starting to resonate with voters, and aides point to an early October Washington Post-ABC poll showing that 44 percent of voters trust the president over Congress when it comes to creating jobs — a seven percent increase since he hit the stump in the last month.

Russ Potts, a former Republican state senator who ran for governor as an independent in 2005, said that Obama is onto something with the push for infrastructure spending that is part of his economic program because road projects appeal to the very independents now sour about Obama.

“The president has not conveyed imagination and thinking out of the box,” Potts said. “He’s got the bully pulpit…The American people are begging to hear that.”

“Sure, he should have done that a long time ago but you can’t worry about the past. The good news for him is that Virginians dislike [House Majorty Leader] Eric Cantor more than they dislike Obama because they see him as obstructionist. Believe me, the American people get it about the whole ‘no’ crowd.”

And despite his low-40s approval rating in the state, Obama does fare comparatively well in recent head-to-head match-ups with Republicans Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. Moreover, Obama 2012 officials say no state is better organized than Virginia, with over 1,500 campaign events held there in recent months and a steady flow of donor cash that guarantees field operations in even the reddest parts of the state.

POLITICO.COM : Using Twitter, the Obamabots are waging a high-intensity guerrilla war against the liberal-leaning journalists and activists who have — as they see it — gone weak in the knees and abandoned the president in his time of need

The ‘emoprogs’ in Twitterverse against the "Professional Left", those that live of being leftists and liberals.

Obamabots are secretive, energetic, aggressive and they are self-appointed watchdogs for President Obama. Some are homebodies or very intellectually motivated nerds.

Obamabots are furious at Paul Krugman and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow for criticizing the President. They are targeting the disaffected Liberals.

"The Obamabots are the ragtag digital cavalry riding to the president’s rescue, a cadre of decidedly amateur supporters, people far outside the Beltway and its norms, whose intense loyalty and passion at a moment of wide disaffection can be reminiscent of Sarah Palin’s core of backers".

"She said liberal bloggers who criticize Obama were naive in thinking the president could easily fix the nation’s economic problems."

'Obamabots' defend POTUS in Twitterverse
October 18, 2011

'Obamabots' defend POTUS in Twitterverse


Monday, October 17, 2011

POLITICO.COM : Obama campaigns in Virginia and North Carolina, starting Monday October 17 - Two Swing States States that are must-wins next year even if Obama succeeds in recapturing lost ground in more traditional battlegrounds like Ohio and Florida

There is nothing more political than being President of the USA. Obama is visiting a "high school and community college, which have already dealt with teacher layoffs and might soon face more".

"Obama’s message to white, working-class independents: Not all government spending is bad — so why not support a president who uses federal cash to keep firefighters, cops and teachers on the job?"

The Obama bus trip: A political guide
October 17, 2011

The Obama bus trip: A political guide

Some excerpts :

President Barack Obama’s summer Midwestern bus trek was about reconnecting with disaffected independents, but the North Carolina and Virginia road trip that starts Monday is a more narrowly targeted exercise in 2012 politics.

The three-day bus tour, with stops in rural towns, suburbs and several cities, literally traces an escape route for Obama’s reelection campaign through two states he carried in 2008 that are must-wins next year even if Obama succeeds in recapturing lost ground in more traditional battlegrounds like Ohio and Florida.

White House officials say they selected the speaking sites — high schools, community colleges, a military base — because they exemplify places that would benefit directly from Obama’s $447 billion jobs plan. And deputy press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters on Sunday that talking about the foray in a strictly political context comes from “people in Washington, D.C., who are eager to ascribe a political motive to everything the president does.”

Yet the trip’s itinerary suggests nothing so much as his 2012 game plan plotted onto a map of the Upper South and with the American Jobs Act, which polls well among all but the most conservative voters, as a selling point.

“The main goals for Obama in North Carolina really hold true for Virginina, too,” says Mileah Kromer, assistant director of the Elon University Poll, whose September poll found the president with a 42/51 percent approval/disapproval split in the Tar Heel State.

“First, he needs to make sure black voters, who are the core here, are as motivated as they were last time,” says Kromer. “Second, he needs to reach out to working-class whites, who he’s totally lost. Third, he’s got to generate some kind of enthusiasm among liberals …who are his volunteer and donor base.”

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Good for Obama : The Supreme Court is delaying, procrastinating and buying time on the hot potatos of SB 1070 and Health Care Overhaul. I speculate that they do not want to mesh with these Political Ticking Bombs

This delay and spending of time by the Supreme Court may cause more jurisprudence in the circuits ( about Immigration and Health Care New Law ). And I think that this new generated wisdom in the courts may help to defend the President, and will morally and politically influence the Supreme Court for a more Progressive Solutions to these impasses.

It is very imprudent of the Supreme Court to hasten to decide on these overcharged political issues. Sages and Men of Wisdom should take their time for momentous decisions.

I may be wrong and then I will have to eat my hat. But the Justices of the Supreme Court should walk on eggs for these dangerous topics. Here is the Potential for Great Political Damage, and for Ill Fame for the Supreme Court if the decision is wrong and is overturned later by New Laws and Decisions in Congress, by the results of Elections or by a New Supreme Court in the Future with new ideas about Constitutionality.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

My guesses or intuitions for the 2012 election, What is going to happen in the Presidential election : Just Intuitions, Hunches, Feelings, Premonitions of the Future. Auspices, Omens and Divinations : Using lightning and the flight of birds :

1) I guess that Latinos are not swing voters, independents or centrists. They may complain and threaten Obama a lot ( with staying in bed ) but will vote for Obama prodded and goaded by Republican Declarations and Stances. I classify them as part of Obama's base. If they are allowed to vote they will vote for Obama. Same for other Minorities or Ethnicities.

2) I guess that swing voters, independents and centrists ( that decide the 2012 election ) are influenced 90% or more in the last five months. There are researches from Universities that support this probable claim. A little economic warmth after June 1, 2011 will decide the election for Obama, even with 8% unemployment.

3) Guess : This election depends more than any other on informing the electorate. Obama is a superb orator, intellectual, scholar, professor of law, etc .... and has as company superb intellectuals like Paul Krugman, Jeffrey Sachs, Robert Reich, Robert Kuttner, many guys of the "New Republic", "The American Prospect", "New Yorker", "The Atlantic", "Daily Beast", "Daily Kos", "Huffington Post", "POLITICO.COM", Slate, and there are many writers in the "New York Times", "Washington Post", "Los Angeles Times", "Miami Herald", MSNBC, etc ..

Can this Obama Press Machine be defeated by Fox News, the "National Weekly", Charles Krauthammer, etc ... ??

Answer : NO, Given enough time and there is plenty of time.

4) The Supreme Court is delaying, procrastinating and buying time on the hot potatoes of SB 1070 and Health Care Overhaul. I speculate that they do not want to mesh with these Political Ticking Bombs. That may cause more jurisprudence in the circuits. And I think that this new generated wisdom in the courts may help to defend the President, and will morally and politically influence the Supreme Court for a more Progressive Solution to these impasses.

Vicente Duque

Friday, October 14, 2011

Franklin Roosevelt : "A small group had concentrated into their own hands an almost complete control over other people's property, other people's money, other people's labor -- other people's lives. For too many of us life was no longer free; liberty no longer real; men could no longer follow the pursuit of happiness"

Progressive - Tough - Liberal - News and Opinion
Franklin Roosevelt Explains Today's Economic Crisis
By Rodger Knigh
October 7, 2011

Franklin Roosevelt Explains Today's Economic Crisis

Some Excerpts :

These were the problems Roosevelt faced when first became president, problems he had spent his first term addressing. They were the result of twelve years of governmental neglect and a lack of regulation and oversight that allowed irresponsible banking and investment practices to bring down a financial holocaust on America. They were also the result of an attitude of acquisition spurred on by a decade of social upheaval and excess, a decade during which the accumulation of goods and wealth became not only a goal but an end unto itself. It was a decade in which greed was no longer a deadly sin; it was respected and rewarded.

The 1920s was a decade of flappers, fads and prohibition and it was a decade of prosperity but only if you were in on the fix. Businesses and industry showed remarkable gains in sales and productivity but workers got a very small share of the pie. Between 1923 and 1929, manufacturing output per person-hour increased by 32 percent but workers' wages grew by only 8 percent. Corporate profits shot up by 65 percent in the same period and the government let the wealthy keep more of those profits. Huge cuts were made in the top income-tax rates. The Revenue Act of 1926 cut the taxes of those making $1 million or more by more than two-thirds. By 1929 the top 0.1 percent of American families had a total income equal to that of the bottom 42 percent. It all had to end; it was inevitable and the beginning of the end arrived on October 29, 1929, a day that would come to be known as Black Thursday.

To a large degree the phenomenal increase in growth the country enjoyed during the 1920s was propelled by a new concept, credit. Mass production required mass consumption and credit allowed the consumer market to thrive. Credit is, however, just another word for debt and it fueled the growth only until many had accumulated so much debt that they could no longer buy the goods industry was producing. The output of American manufacturing plants was cut almost in half from 1929 to 1932. Unemployment in those years soared from 3.2 percent to 24.9 percent (over 50 percent for African-Americans), leaving more than 15 million Americans out of work. Some remained unemployed for years; those who had jobs faced major wage cuts and many could find only part-time work.

Paul Krugman : Republican Candidates are in "Alice in Wonderland" : Like Alice they are falling down a rabbit hole. Suddenly, you find yourself in a fantasy world where nothing looks or behaves the way it does in real life

The New York Times
Op-Ed Columnist
Rabbit-Hole Economics
October 13, 2011

Rabbit-Hole Economics

Some excerpts :

Reading the transcript of Tuesday’s Republican debate on the economy is, for anyone who has actually been following economic events these past few years, like falling down a rabbit hole. Suddenly, you find yourself in a fantasy world where nothing looks or behaves the way it does in real life.

And since economic policy has to deal with the world we live in, not the fantasy world of the G.O.P.’s imagination, the prospect that one of these people may well be our next president is, frankly, terrifying.

In the real world, recent events were a devastating refutation of the free-market orthodoxy that has ruled American politics these past three decades. Above all, the long crusade against financial regulation, the successful effort to unravel the prudential rules established after the Great Depression on the grounds that they were unnecessary, ended up demonstrating — at immense cost to the nation — that those rules were necessary, after all.

Well, they want to fire Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve — not for doing too little, which is a case one can make, but for doing too much. So they’re obviously not proposing any job-creation action via monetary policy.

Incidentally, during Tuesday’s debate, Mitt Romney named Harvard’s N. Gregory Mankiw as one of his advisers. How many Republicans know that Mr. Mankiw at least used to advocate — correctly, in my view — deliberate inflation by the Fed to solve our economic woes?

So, no monetary relief. What else? Well, the Cheshire Cat-like Rick Perry — he seems to be fading out, bit by bit, until only the hair remains — claimed, implausibly, that he could create 1.2 million jobs in the energy sector. Mr. Romney, meanwhile, called for permanent tax cuts — basically, let’s replay the Bush years! And Herman Cain? Oh, never mind.

It’s a terrible thing when an individual loses his or her grip on reality. But it’s much worse when the same thing happens to a whole political party, one that already has the power to block anything the president proposes — and which may soon control the whole government.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

U. S. Congress approves free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama - This is a Triumph and a Great Opportunity for President Obama - It has Great Political Importance for the USA and the other three nations, domestic and international importance for all four nations

Every business has risks, there is no business without risks. If Free Trade is not "Fair Trade" for any nation, then that country can repeal, revoke or rescind the treaty or agreement.

Demagoguery works by fear. I can understand that people oppose treaties before they are approved by the Congresses and Parliaments, that opposition can be good and just to get a better deal, but once they are approved and beginning to take effect, opposition becomes very useless and counterproductive.

It is obvious that South Korea is a very strategic country ( remember a war ), so this is a declaration of support, or a political and military alliance and obligation.

Panama and Colombia are at the heart of Latin America and are neighbors of Leftist Nations that have no great sympathies for the USA. Panama and Colombia are geographically and strategically very important, just look at a map and you will see the two oceans. And they are good allies of the USA.

This is an Environmental Declaration of the U. S. Government because these two Latin American countries are superb in Biodiversity, Forests, Jungles, etc ... and have many microclimates, exotic plants, animals, etc ... so this is a compromise and obligation with the future of the Biological Planet.

These nations have great potential as consumers of American Cereals and other products like Milk, Ham, Cheese, Eggs, etc ... and as producers of very exotic vegetables, fruits, flowers, coffee for the American Consumer. There is a hidden potential for tea and wines.

Perhaps this means that the Clothing Industry, Fashion Design, Textiles and Apparel of the New Latin Partners will export more to the U. S. and at the same time the Latins will consume more American Cereals and Animal Products and the most advanced technology products of America like Computers, Electronics, Software, etc ..

Vicente Duque

POLITICO.COM : "The Republican race has turned into “The Wizard of Oz.” Rick Perry wants a brain. Mitt Romney wants a heart. And any number of candidates are Dorothy, realizing there is no place like home and they should have stayed there"

Roger Simon writes :

"Herman Cain is seeking courage. He needs the courage to face the fact he is never going to be the Republican nominee, no matter how well he does in the polls. He needs the courage to settle for something far better than the presidency: His own show on Fox".

GOP debate is wicked
October 11, 2011

GOP debate is wicked

Some excerpts :

They all march down the yellow brick road that leads not from rally to rally or, heaven forbid, voter to voter, but from debate to debate, like the one held Tuesday at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. All the candidates were seated and co-moderator Charlie Rose described the setting as a “kitchen table.”

But if it had been my kitchen table growing up, I would have left home.

Ostensibly devoted to the topic of economics, the debate was instead devoted to sniping and one-liners and familiar regurgitations from the candidates’ briefing books. If it is possible to hold a debate and have nobody win, this was it.

But, once again, Romney didn’t lose, which makes him the same thing as a winner. If he could only find a heart. He seems like someone who plays a president on TV, not someone who really yearns for the job. If you put your ear to his chest, would you hear the lub-dub, lub-dub of a warm human heart or the whirr and click of a cold, calculating machine?

As usual, he had his lines down: “The answer is to cut federal spending. The second part of the answer is to get our economy to grow. Get Americans back to work and paying taxes. I think it’s a terrible idea to cut defense. I think it’s a terrible idea to raise taxes.”

Whirr. Click.

Republican Debate : a Parrots Perch : The parrots repeat the same campaign lines - Mitt Romney has repeated one thousand times that Obama is a failure and a catastrophe. These candidates are "Empty Celebrities", as frivolous and void of ideas as Sarah Palin


Republican Debate, October 11, 2011 : Total Lack of Ideas except cut budgets and services to the Middle Class and the Poor and give more tax cuts to the Rich - Why Herman Cain deserves attention :

What misery of Republican Debate Last Night !, Debate on "The Economy" : This was just "preaching to the choir", repetition of the same slogans that we have heard millions of times.

The only thing that can be rescued is Herman Cain, a Black Man, talking with such self-assuredness and resisting the foolish attacks of the others.

Not that I think that the 9-9-9 is intelligent or useful, but the man has character, has no shyness or bashfulness and retorts with great aplomb and security.

So I celebrate Mr Herman Cain, even if I don't share his ideas. It is good that Black People become so self-assured and that they act with such self-confident assurance and beautiful poise. Herman Cain hold his ground against the attacks of the Empty Celebrities.

Today's Republican Politics is a total lack of ideas and constant repetition of slogans, that is why a self-assured and dominant man as Herman Cain has to fare well.

Beautiful Faces and Empty Heads !

Vicente Duque


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

VIDEO, Ed Schultz and Mike Papantonio, President Obama's Jobs Bill, "Occupy Wall Street". - Plight of the American Worker. - The Media and Corporations are trying to persuade the public that the protest is foolish


The people in the protests are not fools or crazies and they understand what they are doing and are supported by Great Economists and Intellectuals.

Schultz and Papantonio are some of the best Minds to analyze the Economic Situation and the remedies for the Joblessness, and the suffering. The American Workers are becoming an exploited Colony. Globalization is not serving the American Workers.

The stupidity of the Conservative "Pundits" in the press that despise and laugh at the workers and desperate people.

Uploaded by golefttv on Oct 10, 2011

Mike Papantonio talks with Ed Schultz about the plight of the American workers, and why there's no time to waste to get involved.

Papantonio: Now's The Time to Get Mad and Do Something


Monday, October 10, 2011

Ruy Teixeira : Obama's current strategy is optimizing and maximizing his reelection chances. - If he sticks to his strategy, it will help him accomplish three big things that will both mobilize his base and win over swing voters

There are reasons, data and information, to believe that Obama is becoming attractive lately to a good share and majority of Independents, Centrists and Moderates.

The New Republic
Obama’s New Populism Isn’t Alienating Moderates
October 10, 2011

By Ruy Teixeira, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

Obama’s New Populism Isn’t Alienating Moderates

Some excerpts :

The first is improving the actual economy. Obviously, Republicans have little interest in moving on Obama’s jobs plan, but pressing the issue and mobilizing public opinion is probably the only way to get even parts of it through Congress. And Obama desperately needs improvement in the economy by any means necessary. It is by far his biggest negative, but a negative that can be mitigated by even moderate growth during the election year.

Second, Obama needs to create as much uncertainty in the minds of voters as possible about who is responsible for current economic conditions. As incumbent, he will inevitably get most of the blame, but there is a lot of difference between most and all. The current strategy is perfectly designed to create that uncertainty by identifying Republicans as the obstacle to jobs growth.

Third, Obama needs to put issues in play where he is overwhelmingly on the side of public opinion and his opponent has unpopular positions that he cannot wiggle out of. The current strategy does that as well by highlighting GOP refusal to raise taxes on the rich, even in the name of creating jobs. The GOP commitment to protecting the rich can (and will) be fruitfully connected to known GOP commitments like ending Medicare and slashing Social Security.

None of this is to say that Obama’s new strategy guarantees him re-election. Far from it; the state of the economy, even if it does improve somewhat, means a very tough slog for the president. But the new strategy, far from alienating swing voters to appeal to his base, is well-designed to succeed with both groups and put him that much closer to a second term.

Robert Kuttner : Has Obama the balls and the nerve to seize Bank of America in case the crisis becomes graver ?? -- Populism is cheap talk but things can evolve for the worst and Obama has to show bravery, leadership and firmness

If things get worse then Obama can direct his Treasury Secretary to seize the Bank of America, as authorized by the Dodd-Frank Act.

Huffington Post
Obama, Geithner, and the Next Financial Crisis
October 9, 2011

by Robert Kuttner
Robert Kuttner is co-founder and co-editor of The American Prospect and a senior fellow at Demos. His latest book is A Presidency in Peril.

Obama, Geithner, and the Next Financial Crisis

Some excerpts :

Third scenario: President Obama decides to get other opinions besides Geithner's and to get out ahead of the crisis. If things turn critical, he directs his Treasury Secretary to seize the bank, as authorized by the Dodd-Frank Act. Obama tells the citizenry that the alternative was endless bailouts or a Lehman-style collapse (just imagine the right trying to defend either), and that this way those who caused the crisis will be appropriately removed from their suites and bonuses while the bank is returned to health so that the broad economy can prosper.

Serious consideration of this last approach would take much more of a "pivot" on Obama's part than we have seen to date. I recall, in reading biographies of Presidents Kennedy and Roosevelt, how both leaders sought multiple sources of advice. Kennedy would pick up the phone and speak to a relatively junior desk officer at the State Department to get his own information unfiltered by his gatekeepers. Roosevelt made sure he had direct access to multiple advisers who disagreed with each other. But Geithner has been astute at blocking access to the president for others who have different views, and Obama has been startlingly incurious and compliant. The man needs to get on the phone.

It also happens that Bank of America is headquartered in Charlotte, North Caroline, site of the 2012 Democratic National Convention, and the bank is expected to be one of the convention's top-tier corporate sponsors. Oh, my. Moving to resolve and break up the bank under Dodd-Frank, should it prove to be insolvent, would take uncharacteristic nerve.

In September 2008, the financial collapse fell in on George W. Bush and won the election for Barack Obama. A repeat collapse, if handled badly, would fall in squarely on Obama.

Populist rhetoric when angry people are in the streets demanding accountability for bankers is a start, but talk is cheap. If the banking mess turns critical again, we will see what this president has learned, and what he is made of.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

VIDEO, Governor Jerry Brown signed the California DREAM ACT on Saturday October 8, 2011 - Big Party in University of California at Berkekey and the Chancellor is the happiest man - Wonderful, Funny, Interesting ! - Jokes !

Nobody in India could believe that Gil Zedillo ( California Assemblyman ) was a foreigner and not a citizen from India, everybody believed he was joking ! - He is the biggest warrior of DREAM ACT.

From Los Angeles Times :

Most Republican legislators voted against it, and anti-illegal-immigration groups denounced it as unfair.

Brown's signature on the bill fulfilled a campaign promise to allow high-achieving students who want to become citizens the opportunity to attend college, regardless of their immigration status.

"Going to college is a dream that promises intellectual excitement and creative thinking," Brown said in a statement. "The Dream Act benefits us all by giving top students a chance to improve their lives and the lives of all of us."

And Now the Video :

Robert J. Birgeneau, Chancellor University of California, Berkeley, Professor of Physics, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering speaks with Great Enthusiasm. Berkeley's Chancellor has fought for this educational bill and is extremely elated with the approval in the California Legislature.

The University of California at Berkeley celebrates the passage of the Dream Act and pushes for the Dream Act at the Federal Level. -

Chancellor Robert J. Birgeneau spoke with President Obama and the President said : "No student should be wasted for lack of Opportunities", he also went to visit Governor Jerry Brown several times.

Children and Young Students should not be squandered and left behind without the best possible education.

Uploaded by UCBerkeleyEvents on Oct 3, 2011

Together, AB 130 and 131 allow undocumented students who have been admitted to California public colleges and universities and who meet in-state tuition requirements to apply for privately-funded scholarships and non-competitive, state-funded financial aid. For State Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, the passage of the California DREAM Act has been a long time coming. He first introduced the bill in 2005 and has worked tirelessly to have it passed into law.

Gil Cedillo is a California State Assemblyman representing the 45th State Assembly District in Los Angeles County and the lead author of the California Dream Act. Previously he served as a California State Senator representing the 22nd district and a State Assemblyman representing the 46th District.

Living the DREAM
