Monday, May 20, 2013

VIDEO : Super Big Spy Game : Venezuela-Gate : An audio tape is published where the most important Chavista TV Anchor of Venezuela speaks with the Chief of Cuban Counter-Intelligence and tells him about total corruption in VNZLA

Here you see how Cuba dominates Venezuela :

Today, Monday May 5, 2013 -- There is now a big scandal inside the Venezuela Dictatorship, showing a great Division between the two main dictators : Nicolás Maduro y Diosdado Cabello.

Venezuelan Most Important Chavista TV Anchor Mario Silva speaks in a secretly recorded audio with the Chief of Cuban counter intelligence and tells him about the Total corruption of Diosdado Cabello, his family and associates, with dollars, currencies, the economy, etc ...

Venezuelan Dictators are proceeding with great violence and terrorism against the Population, torturing and beating students and producing several deaths. In the National Assembly they almost killed several opposition deputies send 11 of them to the Hospitals. They are not paying their salaries, and returning to that parliament is risking their lives.

Published on May 20, 2013

Visite: - El diputado opositor venezolano Ismael García anunció este lunes en una rueda de prensa que tenían en su poder una grabación entre el teniente Coronel del G2 de Cuba Aramis Palacios y Mario Silva, que entre otros hechos, evidencia claras irregularidades y diferencias dentro del chavismo.

Conversación revelada por la oposición entre Mario Silva y Coronel del G2 de Cuba - Pa


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