Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Forbes Mag : "President Obama will likely be reelected in November". "It’s the economy, stupid. It’s getting better". - Forbes offers Kryptonite to attack super Obama : promises of low taxes and attacks to the Obama Greenies in Washington

Desperate Forbes Magazine is telling us "Why President Obama Will Beat Romney in November" and "What Mitt Romney Must Do" to stop the Obama juggernaut - This is a magazine of the Super Rich and Wealthy that hate and despise Obama.

Juggernaut is Used as a title for the Hindu deity Krishna.

According to the Free Dictionary

"Juggernaut" is

1. Something, such as a belief or institution, that elicits blind and destructive devotion or to which people are ruthlessly sacrificed.

2. An overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path:

3. A massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way

4. One possessing or exercising power or influence or authority.

5. (Non-Christian Religions / Hinduism) a crude idol of Krishna worshipped at Puri and throughout Orissa and Bengal. At an annual festival the idol is wheeled through the town on a gigantic chariot and devotees are supposed to have formerly thrown themselves under the wheels

Forbes Magazine
What Mitt Romney Must Do
Why President Obama Will Beat Romney in November
By Rich Karlgaard

What Mitt Romney Must Do


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