Sunday, October 30, 2011

POLITICO.COM : Mitt Romney has been on both sides of important issues : "He’s been for a ban on guns in Massachusetts. He’s been pro-abortion. He’s been for supporting gay rights. And now he’s on the other side of those issues"

Perry: Negative attacks okay, if truthful
by James Hohmann
October 30, 2011

Perry: Negative attacks okay, if truthful

Some excerpts :

Rick Perry attacked Mitt Romney as an inconsistent flip-flopper Sunday, adding that negative attacks are okay if they are true.

“I have been a consistent conservative,” the Republican presidential contender said on "Fox News Sunday. “I have always been in favor of the Second Amendment…I’ve always been pro-life. I’ve always been a fiscal conservative. And Mitt’s been on both sides of those issues. He’s been for a ban on guns in Massachusetts. He’s been pro-abortion. He’s been for supporting gay rights. And now he’s on the other side of those issues.”

“We are very, very different from the standpoint of consistency on those issues that I just mentioned,” Perry added.

Asked about bringing on a host of new advisers who have a history of going negative, the Texas governor said, "“If we’re telling the truth about someone, the truth is the truth – whether it hurts your feelings or not,” he said, telegraphing that the race is about to take an even nastier turn.

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