Some People wept when listening to Biden's Speech in Ohio, they were sobbing and shedding tears :
U. S. House Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio ( Democrat ) : "Some people say that this fiery Biden speech was the best that they ever heard".
Mitt Romney has nothing to offer but more Failed Trickle Down Economics ( giving trillions to the Rich and Wealthy ) .... and his methods are Fear and Economic Terrorism to win the November Election. Romney preaches Pessimism, Hopelessness, Fear of Misery and Dejection, Feelings of Being Crushed that go against the Economic Reality of Obama repairing the American Economy.
The fact is that President Obama has been fixing the American Economy from the sad situation in which the Republicans left it. Republicans have nothing to offer but failed solutions of Big Tax Cuts for the Super Rich and preaching Divisiveness by attacking Labor.
When we watch Television during the Evening of November 6, 2012, and Ohio is called as an Obama Victory, then we will know in that instant that Obama has been reelected. I don't believe that Romney can win without Ohio, because it represents the American Worker.
Published on May 16, 2012 by Licentiathe8th
May 16, 2012
Vice President Joe Biden told working class voters in Ohio about the distinct economic visions of President Obama and Mitt Romney. Romney continues to say President Obama will drive the US further into debt, but the facts don't bear that out. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, joins Ed Schultz to talk about what the middle class wants in this election.
The ED Show - Biden slams 'Romney economics'
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