Warning : Old Fart was born in the Confederacy and heard a lot of Racism and Bullshit of the Old South as a youngster before being liberated of Imbecility and Stupidity in the most enlightened State of California.
Published on Nov 8, 2012 by oldfartrants
Whatever's left of the old Republican Party can thank the Tea Party for losing the 2012 elections. That's right - the dumb ass idiots of the Tea Party lost the election. Why? Because only idiots think that that waging war on women, seniors, students, minorities, intellectuals, gay people, unions, public service employees, veterans, sick people, poor people, the middle class, working people, 47% of the country, and the government itself is a good way to win an election.
Only idiots support a party that does nothing but talk about rape, abortion, birth control and Jesus instead of creating jobs. Because while they were obsessed with their stupid fantasy of living in the America of 300 years ago, the rest of us were voting to live in the future. And when your platform is really just racism, sexism, and homophobia, you deserve to lose.
When your platform is really just racism, sexism, and homophobia, you deserve to lose. Obama ran on sanity and decency and equality - and protecting things that 99% of the people in this country hold dear. Republicans ran on the hate and paranoia, and the greed of the 1%.
Even though the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adleson and ALEC and the corporations that are people now spent hundreds of millions of dollars on non-stop propaganda and lies, character assassination, influencing the Supreme Court, union busting, election rigging, and voter suppression - all to hide the fact that Mitt Romney was nothing but George Bush in magic Mormon underwear, we didn't fall for their neo-con con job.
Thankfully, enough sane, educated and motivated American voters were able to spot and stop these filthy anti-American traitors from stealing our government. At the end of the day this election was all about trust - people don't trust Mitt Romney and people don't trust a party that wants to turn back the clock on all the scientific and social progress that's been made over the past 200 years!
Just like when your lover cheats on you, once the trust is gone, it's really hard to get it back - it's really that simple. So... what's Fox News going to do now? Their whole programming schedule has been focused on one thing - fear mongering and lying about President Obama every minute of every hour of every day - day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year for the last 4 years to keep him from having a 2nd term.
What are they going to talk about for the next 4 years? Donald Trump's revolution? The Republican Party has 2 choices: they can keep obstructing every attempt by progressives to move this country forward, which will most likely cost them their own re-elections since they won't be able to justify hurting their own constituents on stopping Obama from having a 2nd term, or they can actually earn their paychecks and work for the good of the American people. If they don't, it could be the end of the Republican Party.
The Republican Party is toast if it refuses to acknowledge this fact and change with the times. And the first thing they need to do is get rid of the teabaggers that have infested and ruined what used to be a Grand Old Party. Thanks to the Tea Party idiots you've actually secured the future of the next several generations for progressives. Roe V. Wade isn't going anywhere.
Medicare and Social Security aren't going anywhere. Marriage equality is coming. Science rules, superstition drools. Progress has been signed, sealed and delivered for the foreseeable future, thanks to the idiots with their tri-corner hats and misspelled signs. And speaking of idiots - remember what tea Party hero Ted Nugent said back in April, that "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year"? What's it going to be Ted? Either way you go the rest of us will be fine with it.
"America Wins!" by Old Fart Rants
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