Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jonathan Chait : "By ignoring the fiscal cliff doomsayers and Grand Bargaineers demanding that he compromise, Obama is doing the one thing that can result in an agreement." - "The key is the expiration of the Bush tax cuts for the rich."


"As long as Obama is negotiating for that revenue, a deal is impossible. If he has that revenue in his pocket, a deal becomes very easy."

According to Jonathan Chait in "New York Magazine", the best thing that can happen to America is the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts. A deal between Republicans and Democrats is only possible after the automatic return of the tax rates to the Clinton Years. And that will happen on January 1st of 2013 without doing anything.

My comment :

I think that Jonathan Chait is right. It is useless to negotiate with such stubborn people that sign pledges to Lobbyists like Norbert Norquist instead of signing a pledge to the common good of America.

New York Magazine
Obama’s Refusal to Deal Paving Way for a Deal
By Jonathan Chait
December 5, 2012

Obama’s Refusal to Deal Paving Way for a Deal


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