Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Politics is not Ethics and Politicians are not Ethical. Republicans forced to be Hispanic Friendly to survive in elections, not because of a moral or humane choice. GOP becoming pragmatic and a little less dogmatic, doctrinarian and leaving the mantle of Old White Scolds


Republicans are like "Mr Wilson", the Angry Old Scold in "Dennis the Menace", that is the enemy of childhood and youth. They have to evolve if they want the U. S. Presidency !

Senator Lindsey Graham ( Republican - South Carolina ) : "The reality is there’s not going to be a bill signed by the president without a pathway to citizenship. That’s just the reality." -

Of course, senator Graham, you are right and President Obama is no fool to sign stupid papers.

Lindsey Graham approves the RNC and Rand Paul on a possible Immigration Reform Bill in the U. S. Congress.

The statements from Rand Paul and the RNC Republican National Committee seem to strongly imply that Congress Republicans should support some generous offer of citizenship, or "Amnesty" as many people say.

Rand Paul is somewhat "crazy" and "odd" but he is a new fresh face and has new fame, possibly to be a Presidential Candidate for Republicans. Paul Ryan on the other hand is a worn and spent figure and has the "stench" of Mitt Romney. The admiration of Payl Ryan for Artistic Poseur Ayn Rand is very laughable and despicable.

I describe Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as "Those that want to fall upwards" .... The more they lose in politics, the more that they are stubborn, intransigent, fanatic, dogmatic, biased and obstinate in old, failed ideas of Plutocracy and anti-diversity.

Rand Paul made some stupid declarations in the Rachel Maddow Show that imply that he is an enemy of Civil Rights, I don't know if he can correct course and make peace with Black People and Minorities. We saw the Greatest Master of Flip-Flop Mitt Romney getting millions of votes after his shameful turnarounds, super hypocrisy and daily lies. So everything is possible, but only in politics !!

Vicente Duque


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