Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Hill : The Obama jobs bill is not going to pass right away. If Republicans do nothing, Obama wins. If they do something, Obama wins. And if they do a little, Obama gets to keep the debate alive, putting miles on Air Force One and devoting his fall and winter to painting Republicans as beholden to special interests over jobs

Why Team Obama Is Smiling Again : Obama’s Jobs plan is the best 2012 reelection stimulus - Nothing is more political than being president of the United States of America.

Obama’s aides believe that ultimately, Boehner will defend his Speakership and his majority to the hilt, even if that means going against whomever emerges from the Republican presidential race and handing Obama a victory.

The Hill
Obama’s 2012 reelection stimulus
By Sam Youngman
September 14, 2011

Obama’s 2012 reelection stimulus

Some excerpts :

Monday in the Rose Garden, Obama was flanked by first responders, teachers and construction workers. He blasted the politics of Washington and again urged Congress to pass his jobs bill right away.

The appearance provided great optics. What kind of heartless monster would vote to protect corporate jet owners over teachers?

What the president’s aides want — and what they need — is for independents and Democrats to view Obama as their fighter. And after a summer of polls painting Obama as a weak leader, the president is desperate to be viewed as the one politician in Washington fighting for the middle class.

What’s more, Obama appears ready to fight. For real this time.

So while it’s not exactly the inspiring politics of hope, it’s pretty good politics all the same. And it’s the first reason Democrats have had in a long time to believe their man can prevail next November.

This is the campaign.

For the rest of 2011, at least, Obama and his team will speak of little else. This is the debate they want to have, and they are betting the president’s job on their belief they can win this debate.

Ultimately, more jobs would be a bonus.

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