Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Public Policy Polling ( Pollsters ) say that Mitt Romney is more electable in a General Election than Rick Perry, both Republicans lose with Obama today ( according to last Polls ) - Gamblers and Bettors confirm these numbers and impressions

If Republican want a candidate who can beat Obama, then Romney's their guy at this point. See figures and data from Public Policy Polling ( PPP ) and from bets at INTRADE.COM

From betting House INTRADE.COM :

Rick Perry will be the Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 :

Bet $34.6 to win $100

Mitt Romney to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 :

Bet $40.0 to win $100

Barack Obama to be re-elected President in 2012 :

Bet $49.9 to win $100

Marco Rubio to be Republican VP nominee in 2012 :

Bet $36.9 to win $100


Public Policy Polling ( PPP )
Social Security hurting Perry ?
September 13, 2011

Social Security hurting Perry ?

Some excerpts :

In fact it appears that Perry's rhetoric on Social Security could already be causing him problems. When PPP did a national poll three weeks ago Barack Obama led Perry by only 6 points at 49-43. Now that gap has widened to 11 points at 52-41. The main movement has come with Democratic voters. On the previous poll Obama had only a 68 point lead with the party base at 81-13 but now it's 80 points at 89-9. We know there are a lot of Democratic voters disenchanted with Obama right now but if the GOP puts forward someone like Perry who's willing to go after one of the Holy Grails of the party's orthodoxy like Social Security it might scare those voters back into the fold.

In addition to his horse race numbers taking a wrong turn Perry's favorability numbers are worse than they were 3 weeks ago as well. Only 30% of voters have a positive opinion of him to 50% with a negative one. That's down from an already not so stellar 33/47 spread. Republicans certainly like him but with independents (23/51) and Democrats (9/74) favor is virtually nonexistent.

Mitt Romney continues to look like the considerably more electable GOP contender. He trails Obama by only 4 points at 49-45. You can see the difference between Romney and Perry's general election viability at this point particularly with independents. While Perry's favorability with them is just 23/51 as mentioned above, Romney's is 44/39. And where Perry trails Obama by 10 points with them, Romney actually holds a 2 point advantage. Romney also consolidates the GOP vote better than Perry (87% as opposed to 82%) and wins over slightly more Democrats (11% to Perry's 9%).


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