Monday, April 15, 2013

The Fascist Terrorist Thieves that rule Venezuela will continue in power by very dubious means. - But I have absolutely no doubt that a Big Erosion of this Madness has begun. - The "Victory" speech of Nicolas Maduro can not be more brutal, fascist and aggressive

The Venezuelan Thanatocracy ( rule by the death, using the Mummy of Chavez and the bones of Bolivar ) will continue for some time big or small, but let's be clear, this idiotic project of Chavismo has been strongly weakened by the election of Sunday, April 14, 2013.

I don't have the powers of a seer or a witch, but I clearly see that now the path of chavismo is a calvary of thorns and stones until the crucifixion. And chavistas will fall many times in this "via dolorosa".

They will be weakened to support the Terrorist FARC guerrillas in Colombia, these brutal murderers also kidnap Venezuelan Ranchers and Farmers, and practice extortion inside Venezuelan Territory. Chavez always supported the FARC in speeches, gave sanctuary to these terrorists in Venezuelan Territory and funded them.

Thousands of Children that lost their legs and testicles in Colombia with FARC land mines can thank Chavez and Maduro. Many Children, Women and the Old lost their lives in the mine fields of FARC.

Gone are the times when Hugo Chavez mobilized troops, tanks and airplanes to the Venezuelan Border with Colombia and threatened and invasion of the "sister" nation.

Gone are the times to threaten the United States with shooting missiles against American airplanes or ships.

I want to be prudent and I do not want to fan violence or rebellion, because I see that these Venezuelan Thugs in Government are "rolling down the Hill", and from now on, they will be a ridiculous circus of clowns.

Maduro has no intelligence, Venezuela no longer has a "Comandate Presidente", but a "Chofer Presidente", that is a "Chauffeur President" because Nicolas Maduro was a bus driver and unionist that never studied anything.

His "Victory" speech was filled with aggression and fascism. He is unable to make a U-Turn on a dime a turnaround of 180 degrees in the conduction of Venezuela by means of fascism.

Expect a lot of Necrocracy ( ruling by dead corpses ) and Mausolocracy ( the ridiculous Mauseleums of death heroes ).

Expect the Venezuelan Economy going down the drain with more stupid price controls, as Venezuelans smuggle their products to Colombia where they get better prices in hard currencies : the U. S. Dollar and the Colombian Peso that is so hard that Colombian exporters weep and complain every day of "Revaluation" and that they get very few dollars for their exports because of the excessive price of the Colombian peso.

Colombia has a capitalist market economy, with diversified exports, while Venezuela is "Socialist of the 21 century" only exports oil, industry has been ruined by Chavez, Venezuela has continuous devaluations, inflation, price controls, loss of Competivity, lack of diversity, rampant statism, flagrant clientelism, nepotism and thievery. That is only good for Tax Havens, Tax Heavens, Fiscal Paradises in the Caribbean and Switzerland.

Vicente Duque


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