Monday, October 3, 2011

Supreme Court starts new Term Sessions on Monday October 3 : Decisions on whether to even consider immigration SB 1070 and Health Care Overhaul are probably about a month or so off - Because the Court has not granted Certiorari on these two great issues

And there are other cases to be cleared before SB 1070 or Health Care Overhaul and its "Individual Mandate" are considered ( Obligation to buy Health Insurance ). Those other cases that will be considered first are also high profile and also touch with matters of Immigration or Commerce.

The Court has to clear first the programmed cases.

The fact that SB 1070 was not granted Certiorari ( An Order and Obligation for papers to be sent from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ) was surprising. But I find that the Supreme Court Justices were intelligent in avoiding this Hot Potato. It is a good practice to get more decisions from lower courts, and to accumulate more similar jurisprudence from other cases and other judges before making a Big Mistake.

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