Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Big Gingrich Tsunami to hit Florida - Traditional Rules do not apply - Big Change of Paradigm inside the Republican Party - "Anything Goes" for the GOP. - Gingrich and Romney are tied in polls - But the Newt has the Momentum

"Bullfighting is better when the bulls are furious, angry, mad, boiling in a rage, and there is great danger for the torero of being gored by the brute" - That is what they say in Spain.

And Many Republicans and Tea Partiers are not sugar coated bonbons. Mote Bitterness than candy in GOP.

"The difference in 2012 may be about a conflict between the upper echelons of the Republican party and its activist base. Gingrich has a small but real chance of upending Romney. If he does, it will be by connecting with that activist base. In other words, by following some of the fundamental rules of past nominations, not by breaking them".

Huffington Post
Newt Gingrich Pulls Even In National Poll: Can He Win?
By Mark Blumenthal
January 23, 2012

Newt Gingrich Pulls Even In National Poll: Can He Win?

Some excerpts :

The events of the last week have served as a cue to Republicans nationwide that Gingrich may be emerging again a consensus alternative to Romney, so his star may rise further. However, the test of whether Gingrich can capitalize on his South Carolina victory and mount a successful challenge to Romney depends on the former House speaker's ability to replicate the South Carolina formula on a wider scale. His ultimate success depends on the answers to these questions:

Will more prominent conservative elected officials move to endorse Gingrich as Rick Perry did last week? Will Sarah Palin once again recommend a "vote for Newt?"

Will Gingrich translate his newfound momentum into campaign cash, both from the conservative grassroots and from the wealthy patron whose Super PAC matched Romney's in spending on the South Carolina airwaves?

Finally, can the Gingrich campaign begin to win the support of local elected Republicans and grassroots conservative activists in Florida and beyond the way they did in South Carolina?

A Gingrich victory is not unthinkable, just highly improbable, even according to the "old paradigm" outlined in The Party Decides. As Masket points out, though leads in endorsements, a large majority of potential endorsers remain on the sidelines.

"Even if the basic mechanisms are the same," writes Hans Noel, co-author of The Party Decides, "sometimes it's different." And as RealClearPolitics' Sean Trende points out, the Republican primary voters are the same "electorate that selected Christine O'Donnell, Carl Paladino and Linda McMahon as its standard-bearers -- in very blue states with relatively moderate GOP electorates, no less."

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