Sunday, June 17, 2012

Immigration : The "Well Oiled Weathervane" is trying to light a candle to God ( or the Polytheist Gods of Mormonism ) and another to the Devil ( brother of Jesus according to Mormon Scriptures ) - Losing the fight against Obama Brave Heart ! :


Immigration is Kryptonite for Super Bully :

Mitt Romney dodges immigration questions : Interview with Bob Schieffer, Sunday on CBS’s "Face the Nation", Mitt five different times declined to answer whether he would conduct the same policy President Barack Obama on Friday announced his Department of Homeland Security will now pursue.

Romney painted himself into a corner in Immigration - Now, he has been completely unable to Etch-A-Sketch an exit out of his predicament.

The "Brutal Barber" and "Fake Cop" always preaches that Obama lacks bravery, courage, valor, and that Obama is a Sissy and a Weakling abused by all other nations.

But Obama outsmarted the Republicans, specially he outsmarted "The Bully and Liar" and at the same time Obama has shown Great Courage and Great Heart.

Obama is indeed a "Brave Heart". He has Bravery and a Good Heart !

Romney dodges immigration questions
June 17, 2012

Romney dodges immigration questions

Some excerpts :

Instead of answering the question posed, Romney called for a permanent solution.


After Schieffer asked, directly, four additional times if Romney would repeal the policy without receiving an answer, Romney called the move political.


Romney has yet to offer an opinion on the merits of Obama’s immigration policy change. On Friday, he told reporters in New Hampshire that he supports Rubio’s proposal, which has yet to be introduced in the Senate.

On “Fox News Sunday,” Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said Obama’s moved successfully undercut both Rubio and Romney.

“This was the anti-Marco Rubio initiative by the administration,” Kristol said. “They were scared. Sen. Rubio was about to introduce his version of the Dream Act, which would have been closer to what President Obama announced than the actual Democratic Dream Act. I wish Rubio had introduced it over the last month or two. He got stalled, not every Republican was on board, the Romney campaign’s been cautious about it.”


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