Friday, June 15, 2012

Mitt Romney Etch-A-Sketches On Immigration : Romney says something that is totally different and contrary to his hardline racist and brutal anti-immigration rhetoric of his primary campaign : "I happen to agree with Marco Rubio as he will consider this issue."

Talking Points Memo writes :

"Now, after Obama forced immigration onto center stage, Romney appears to be running toward Rubio — and far away from the immigration hardliners who helped burnish his conservative bona fides on the primary campaign trail."

My Comment :

Mitt Romney is like the 10 prostitutes of Pearl Harbor that had to satisfy all the men of the Navy, during the year 1942 after the attack of the Japanese. Changing from one stance to other different stance on every issue to please voters or audiences.

Mitt Romney is the Master of Flip-Flop, of U-Turns on a dime when driving at high speed. Mitt makes spectacular Hollywood stunts to change positions to pander to voters or audiences. A man without character or personality.

His part of the brain that produces "The Bully" and "Fake Cop" is perfectly connected to the neurons of "The Liar", "The Hypocrite" and "The Cynic".

Talking Points Memo
His Hand Forced By Obama, Mitt Romney Etch-A-Sketches On Immigration
By Evan McMorris-Santoro
June 15, 2012

His Hand Forced By Obama, Mitt Romney Etch-A-Sketches On Immigration


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