Monday, December 3, 2012

VIDEO Charles Krauthammer : Obama is treating Republicans close to the "Fiscal Cliff" like they being General Robert E. Lee surrendering to General Ulysses S. Grant - Krauthammer always speaks with Great Solemnity and Pomposity and I always laugh at the comedy


Appomattox - April 12, 1865 - End of Civil War :

Unfortunately for Republicans President Obama does not drink so much as General Ulysses S. Grant, so Republicans won't be given any "mules and horses" and no food rations like the men of General Robert E. Lee.

General Grant allowed the defeated men to take home their horses and mules to carry out the spring planting and provided Lee with a supply of food rations for his starving army; Lee said it would have a very happy effect among the men and do much toward reconciling the country.

My Comment :

This is very unfortunate because the American Civil War was about Slavery of Blacks and Freedom. And now America has a "Black" President and the Social Darwinism of the GOP is deeply racist and anti-Minorities with its"Romney Hood" ( The Rich stealing from the Poor and Minorities, including African Americans ).

I am amazed at how "pundit" Charles Krauthammer is disconnected from Blacks, Latinos, Asians, other Minorities and the Poor Americans. His Solemnity and Pomposity hides his lack of Empathy and Compassion for other human beings. He does not like "The Other" and "The Otherness". That is why he is given employment at Fox News.

Krauthammer is frustratred, his predictions always fail, he is angry, a sore loser !

Charles Krauthammer Fiscal Cliff Analogy: Obama Offer Worse Than Appomattox

 Published on Nov 30, 2012 by ThePrincessHira

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer drew a curious comparison on Fox News Thursday evening between Washington's fiscal cliff standoff and the Civil War.

During a panel appearance on "Special Report" with Bret Baier, Krauthammer compared the White House's opening proposal in the fiscal cliff negotiations to the surrender terms offered General Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House to conclude the Civil War.

Said Krauthammer: It's not just a bad deal, this is really an insulting deal... Robert E. Lee was offered easier terms at Appomattox and he lost the Civil War. The Democrats won by 3% of the vote and they did not hold the House. Republicans won the House. So this is not exactly unconditional surrender, but that's what the administration is asking of Republicans. There not only are no cuts in this, there's an increase in new spending with a stimulus - this is almost unheard of. I mean, what do they expect? They obviously expect the Republicans will cave on everything. I think Republican ought to simply walk away.

Charles Krauthammer Fiscal Cliff Analogy: Obama Offer Worse Than Appomattox


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