Sunday, December 2, 2012

VIDEO : CNN Candy Crowley and Tim Geithner : "White House Willing To Go Over The Cliff If Republicans Don't Agree To Raise Tax Rates" - A tax deal is unlikely if tax rates are not increased on the top 2%


Tim Geithner ( Treasury Secretary ) says that there won't be an agreement withour raising taxes for the top 2%

My comment : Congress Republicans are the puppets of the Super Rich - They want big gifts for the wealthy stealing money from the Poor and Middle Class - The GOP is "100% Romney Hood" : Steal from the Poor to give to the Rich !

 Published on Dec 2, 2012 by Buzz Sourse

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared on CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley on Sunday morning where he explained some of the details of President Barack Obama's opening bid in the negotiations with Congressional Republicans to find a resolution to the upcoming fiscal cliff. Geithner said that the White House would not negotiate on their demand that tax rates on the wealthy go up. He said that, if Republicans refused to back off their insistence that tax rates not be increased, a deal was unlikely and the nation will go over the cliff and all Americans will see their taxes increase in 2013.

White House Willing To Go Over The Cliff If Republicans Don't Agree To Raise Tax Rates


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