Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Glenn Greenwald : "All of the Democratic alternatives to Hagel who have been seriously mentioned are nothing more than standard foreign policy technocrats, fully on-board with the DC consensus regarding war, militarism, Israel, Iran, and the Middle East."


"That's why Kristol, the Washington Post and other neocons were urging Obama to select them rather than Hagel: because those neocons know that, unlike Hagel, these Democratic technocrats pose no challenge whatsoever to their agenda of sustaining destructive US policy in the Middle East and commitment to endless war."

Note : Reports indicate President Obama next week will nominate Chuck Hagel to be the next secretary of defense.

British "The Guardian" Newspaper
Chuck Hagel and liberals: what are the priorities ?
As Obama prepares to nominate the controversial former senator, the key question is whether Democrats will help neocons oppose him
Saturday 5 January 2013

By Glenn Greenwald
Glenn Greenwald is a columnist on civil liberties and US national security issues for the Guardian. A former constitutional lawyer, he was until 2012 a contributing writer at Salon. He is the author of How Would a Patriot Act? (May 2006), a critique of the Bush administration's use of executive power; A Tragic Legacy (June, 2007), which examines the Bush legacy; and With Liberty and Justice For Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful.

Chuck Hagel and liberals: what are the priorities ?


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