Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Joe Scarborough: "Obama Gave Progressive Inaugural Speech Because GOP 'Is A Party in Retreat'." - The approval of the Tea Party, speaker John Boehner and Republicans in general can NOT be lower. - The speech was very ambitious

Republican Trojan Horses for Hispanics :

My Comment : I think that Obama will be an excellent President for Economic Recovery and ObamaCare, that will make him a Great President, even if Immigration, Gun Control, Gay Marriage, Climate Change improvement and other projects and ideas may fail.

The improvement on the standard of living of the Poor and Middle Class will make Obama a Great President. But I strongly doubt that everything expressed in the speech is possible.

Republicans probably will sink the Immigration Reform and they will have to pay the bill in the 2016 Presidential Election. .... Call me pessimist, but I see the Republican Party so obsessed with Racism and Hatred, that they won't be cured in four years.

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are only shills, decoys, steerers, beguilers and deceivers of Hispanics.

They are Trojan Horses, clowns, stooges, and they will be rejected by Latinos.

They are like the Fishing and Hunting decoys. Like putting a Duck decoy in a pond to attrack wild Ducks that are flying over the pond.

 Published on Jan 22, 2013

On Tuesday, the Morning Joe crew naturally took to dissecting President Obama's second inaugural address — which, most have agreed thus far, was directly progressive in its message. The roundtable agreed with that sentiment, with Joe Scarborough tying in how the Republican Party's current situation factored in.

Al Hunt agreed that the speech laid out his liberal vision of where he wants the country to be going, but that we shouldn't be surprised by it. To that point, Scarborough noted that Obama had no "reaching out to the other side" message in the speech.

Obama Gave Progressive Inaugural Speech Because GOP 'Is A Party in Retreat'


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