Wednesday, February 6, 2013

VIDEO : Chris Matthews : John McCain ( filled with Rage and Wrath ) : The patriotic heart of John McCain that burns with resentment - John McCain learned nothing from the defeats and catastrophes of Vietnam and Iraq and charges like a madman against Susan Rice and Chuck Hagel


McCain is tormented with Demons - He hates Obama for defeating him :

Brutal Republican Inquisition against Chuck Hagel - Very despicable John McCain and Lindsey Graham, they want to humiliate Chuck Hagel in a shameful political game. !! .... David Corn and Joy Reid talk with Chris Matthews :

John McCain is a case of Angry Furious War Monger and Fear Monger. He is extremely gross, vulgar, nasty, lacking politeness and courtesy and charging like a thug against Chuck Hagel. .... John McCain does not want to consider the Whole Iraq War but only the "Surge" ....

John McCain is frustrated and with a furious psychology of loser. He was denied the Presidency by the American Citizens. ....

His policies are paleolithic aggression, John McCain is a Caveman and Troglodyte in Foreign Policy. He lacks sophistication...

John Kerry and Chuck Hagel were not made bitter, angry or furious because of having fought in Vietnam. And they fought the most horrible war in the jungle, while McCain was flying inside the clouds.

John McCain is obsessed with War and the "Glory of War", he lives in the past.

Published on Feb 5, 2013

The fast-dying gop religious cult, the creepy, racist, sexist fascist obstructionists that attempted "Trans-Vaginal Probing" of American Women, learned nothing from their terrible election failures in 2012, losing more House Seats, more Senate seats and the Presidency, leaving Our duly elected President Barack Obama able to advance his epic pro-American objectives. The dying gop religious cult will have to stay in their hospice bed, off life support, watching Our President Barack Obama forward his policies as they withdraw, shrivel and pass away, and none too soon. Goodbye gop!

Republicans Learned NOTHING From Failure and Defeat in 2013 - Chris Matthews


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