Tuesday, November 15, 2011

POLITICO.COM : In 2007, Mitt Romney said that RomneyCare would be a model for the nation. And now Gov. Romney switches opinions. David Axelrod : "We modeled our health care program largely on what Romney did in Massachusetts"

Romney is the Human Shield against ObamaCare critics :

Romney “can’t touch us on this. We’ll hammer him,” added a Democratic Obama ally shortly after word of the Supreme Court’s schedule came out.

Barack Obama's Supreme Court health care gamble
November 15, 2011

Barack Obama's Supreme Court health care gamble

Some excerpts :

President Barack Obama is so confident of the constitutionality of his health care law — and so happy to cast Mitt Romney as his human shield against the law’s critics — that he didn’t try to stop the Supreme Court from putting its review of the law on a fast track that will result in a ruling in the middle of the 2012 campaign.

Yet for all the administration’s public optimism about the case’s outcome, Obama’s eagerness for a final resolution to the wrangling over the law represents no small roll of the political dice, one that could roil an already agitated electorate in unpredictable ways and quite possibly drag Obama back into the most divisive battle of his presidency.

His gamble: If the conservative Roberts court upholds the Affordable Care Act, it validates a titanic two-year legislative struggle. If the law is struck down, it would put the issue to bed four months before Election Day, fire up the Democratic base and energize angry party donors who’d see the decision as a second Bush v. Gore, a wallet-widening rallying cry.

“This issue would put the Supreme Court more front and center in a way that would focus Democrats on the fact that there will likely be two more appointments in the next term,” said former Obama staffer Bill Burton, co-founder of Priorities USA Action, a Democrat-allied PAC. “When we talk to Democrats across the country, they are mindful of the fact that President Bush appointed two justices to the court. The consequences of a President Romney appointing two more could have a devastating impact on issues that matter to progressives across the board.”

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