Friday, November 18, 2011

VIDEO, Cenk Uygur, Newt Gingrich Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae Hypocrite, this is the Number One Hypocrite in the World and illustrates what the Republican Party is : a bunch of Hypos serving the Rich and Wealthy

Privatize the gains and make the losses public ( paid by the taxpayer ) :

Newt Gingrich was hired to build bridges to Republicans in Congress, he was a lobbyst trying to prevent any regulation to these giants of swindling the American Public. Newt is surpassing Republicans Lou Dobbs and Meg Whitman in Hypocrisy and Lies.

What happens to America that celebrates, lifts and elevates these liars and hypocrites to the Stars ??. This guy wants to save America from dangerous "Communist and Statist" Barack Obama, but he is one of the main actors winning millions for the feat of sinking the Financial System and deceiving the American Taxpayer.

How can this guy know the science of economics when he works to sink the nation in economic matters ??

Newt Gingrich Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae Hypocrite

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