Monday, July 25, 2011

Grandmother from Texas : "I think it is Hilarious that Racist Republicans are attemping to rewrite History. WE WERE THERE! WE REMEMBER! It was JFK and Johnson and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY that marched side by side with Martin Luther King and PASSED the legislation"

"The Racist Republicans were Opposed to it! They still are!"

"They also hate Social Security and Medicare. They are Hatefilled and Hateful!"

"God Bless America!"

"God Bless our President, Barack Obama!"

This Grandmother picked fruits in the Fields of Texas, and met Cesar Chavez ( Latino Laborers Union ) and the Black Leaders of Civil Rights.

This is here from Dee a Grandmother from Texas. She is angry with the many Hate Messages and emails that she receives. I like decent and honest people in a rage, because they tell the truth to scoundrels :

Immigration Talk with a Mexican American
By Dee, a grandmother from Texas
Saturday, July 23, 2011


I was reading an article today. It was written by a Republican opining the fact that Democrats were to blame for all the ills of America. They created Social Security and Medicare because they wanted Americans dependent on the Federal Government. Blah blah blah. I decided to do a bit of research and put together a timeline about the accomplishments of the Democrats. This timeline is amazing. (Click on the picture to enlarge)

This timeline clearly illustrates the many important and remarkable accomplishments enacted under the Democratic Watch. Can you IMAGINE what our country would be like without these accomplishments?

Without Democrats - WOMEN COULD NOT VOTE! Neither could Blacks, nor ALL Minorities. We would have No Civil Rights, we would still have Jim Crow laws prohibiting minorities from voting. We'd still have separate water fountains and we'd still be at the back of the bus.

We would have NO Social Security or Medicare/Medicaid. Old Folks would still be sent to the Poor House. No medicine, sent to Die!

We would have No Overtime pay, No Minimum Wage, No Child Labor Laws, No Unemployment Compensation.

We would have NO Man on the Moon and Osama Bin Laden would NOT have been captured.

In the Republican Article, the writer lamented the fact that the Democratic Programs were Ever Created! They want a country with NONE of these programs and if they get voted back into office, their leaders will make sure their Republican Elected Officials will continue to Do Their Bidding and End these Humanitarian Programs that the Democrats, with the Full Support of the American People, worked so hard to enact.

Look at the Timeline! We The People CANNOT Allow Republicans to ever, EVER get back into Power.

I ask everyone to be sure to Register to Vote and VOTE in the 2012 Elections

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