Saturday, July 9, 2011

VIDEO, Polls showed that Harold Stassen would beat Harry Truman if nominated. But Harold lost the Republican nomination to Thomas Dewey, Dewey went on to lose to Truman. - Tim Pawlenty compared to Harold Stassen, 8 times candidate to President

Fox News Video : Historian David Pietrusza ( Republican Analyst ) compares Pawlenty to Stassen and tells very bitter truths for Republicans. If you are Mitt Romney encourage other candidates to participate and be aggressive, because dividing Republicans is wonderful for the Front Runner.

Harold Stassen was candidate to Governor and U. S. Senator many times. He was Governor of Minnesota like Tim Pawlenty - Something in Minnesota drives Politicians Crazy Crazy Crazy !( remember Michele Bachamnn )

From Wikipedia :

Harold Edward Stassen ( 1907 – 2001) was the 25th Governor of Minnesota from 1939 to 1943. In popular culture his name has become most identified with his fame as a perennial candidate for other offices, most notably and frequently President of the United States. He was seen as an "up and comer" after delivering the keynote address at the 1940 Republican National Convention. At that convention, he helped secure the Republican Party (GOP) nomination for Wendell Willkie.

Stassen was later best known for being a perennial candidate for the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States, seeking it 8 times between 1948 and 1992 (1948, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1980, 1984, 1988 and 1992, but never winning it or, after 1952, even coming close.[citation needed] He did receive votes at the Republican National Convention as late as 1968 when he won two votes for president (one from Minnesota and the other from his nephew, an Ohio delegate).

In 1992, the results of an experimental Presidential preference primary in Minnesota should have bound the state's Republican Party Convention to elect one delegate to the Republican National Convention who was pledged to vote for Stassen. Stassen's name was placed in nomination for a national delegate slot; however, he was defeated in the voting on the convention floor by Tim Holtz, a young pro-life activist whose candidacy was pushed by Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life. Holtz went to the national convention and cast his vote for incumbent George H.W. Bush, thus denying Stassen the opportunity to represent himself as a delegate or even to receive the single vote to which he was entitled.[citation needed]

GOP 2012 Predictions [FOX 7-06-2011]

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GOP 2012 Predictions [FOX 7-06-2011]

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