Monday, November 7, 2011

George W. Bush won re-election -- largely by convincing large numbers of swing voters that John Kerry had no core values, that he was a flip flopper. They succeeded even though Kerry was a war hero and had a strong record of standing up for what he believed. How much easier will it be to convince everyday Americans that Romney has no core values - since he doesn't

Huffington Post
"Do-Nothing Republican Congress" Could Sink GOP In 2012
November 7, 2011

By Robert Creamer
Robert Creamer is a long-time political organizer and strategist, and author of the book: Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win, available on He is a partner in Democracy Partners and a Senior Strategist for Americans United for Change.

"Do-Nothing Republican Congress" Could Sink GOP In 2012

Some excerpts

Romney is the poster boy for the 1%. He feels like the guy who fired your brother-in-law. He is in fact the guy who, some time back, gathered his crowd of young Wall Street hot shots around him after he completed a big deal at Bain Capital and posed for a picture with money dripping from their mouths and pockets and ears. He's a guy who made his fortune dismantling companies and firing workers.

Of course, none of these facts are intended to make Progressives complacent -- far from it. None of them guarantees we will win in 2012 -- only that we can.

For the first two years of the Obama Administration, Progressives took a lot of ground. There was:

Health Care for All Americans
Wall Street Reform
Avoiding another Great Depression
Saving a million jobs in the American auto industry
Expanding Medicaid
Eliminating Don't Ask Don't Tell
Expanding Children's Health
Environmental Reform
Expanding Labor Rights
Expanding Civil Liberties
Equal Pay for Equal Work

Now Obama is ending the War in Iraq.

But last fall the Empire struck back. All of the corporate, special interest money fought back with a vengeance. It fought back because that's the nature of change. The forces of the status quo don't just roll over and play dead. They do everything they can to hang onto their money and power and privilege.

Now we have to hold our ground and prepare a winning counter offensive -- and it won't be easy, especially in light of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision that magnifies the power of corporate cash.

But if they win -- if America has President Romney or Perry or Cain, Senate Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker Boehner -- they have made it crystal clear what they will do. They will return America to the Gilded Age. They will roll back the twentieth century -- they will rip apart the entire social contract.

They will privatize Social Security, destroy Medicare, emasculate the labor movement, cut taxes further for corporations and the wealthy. They will create new radical conservative facts on the ground that they hope will entrench conservative power for generations.

But they believe their real key to victory is lack of enthusiasm among Progressives. They believe that Progressives -- and many in the Democratic base -- will stay home next November.

They will be wrong.

The progressive forces in America will rise to the battle because they realize that the 2012 election is not just about two people running for President. It is about a moral question. It's about two competing sets of values. It's all about how we see ourselves as a nation -- as a society. It's about whether we will be a society based on the precepts of radical conservative social Darwinism, or a society rooted in the progressive values that have always defined the promise of America.

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