Sunday, November 6, 2011

VIDEO, Details of military operation that killed FARC leader Alfonso Cano in Colombia - Comments in are very harsh - Think Tanks in the USA recommend the same strategy in Afghanistan - Is this realistic ??


The Colombian Government has been very successful killing the Top Terrorists in Colombia, FARC has been supported by Hugo Chavez during many years. There has been a successful combination of American Airplane and Communications Technology and the bravery and valor of Colombian Soldiers, three of them died of extreme cold during the persecution ( under freezing temperatures of 20 degrees fahrenheit, which is -7 in the Celsius Scale ). Two others fell off a cliff.

The idea of using the same Ideas in Afghanistan may be invalid. Because 90% plus of Colombians strongly hate the FARC, and 99% believe that FARC will never reach power or get a good settlement in this conflict. This according to serious polls, like Gallup Polls and others.

I believe that Afghans are very brave and intelligent. But Colombians are more amenable to the Americans Soldiers, Officers and Strategists, this is they are more accustomed and Responsive to American advice, they are more willing to accept American Suggestions and they have lines of authority very disciplined and serious that are similar to those of Americans.

Some military operations of the Colombian Army are an example for the rest of the World to study and probably follow.

You can not think that Colombia is Afghanistan, respecting the excellent things of both countries. Don't mix apples and oranges, even if both taste good.

Uploaded by newsntn24 on Nov 5, 2011

Bogota, Colombia - Information from a former FARC fighter helped leader the Colombian military to FARC leader Alfonso Cano´s jungle hideout in the south of the country Friday.

Details of military operation Odiseo that killed FARC leader Alfonso Cano

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