Monday, April 15, 2013

Nothing is more boring than a Dictatorship - The Tyrant of Venezuela talks blather for hours and hours like Fidel Castro, Stalin or Hitler and he mentions the "Comandate President" Hugo Chavez at least one hundred times per day

Incessant talk of Hugo Chavez, even after he was given the election ( by his sycophants ! ) :

Nicolas Maduro, dictator of Venezuela, an usurper using months and months of lies and coups d'Etat ( golpes de estado ) against the constitution. Total Mendacity and Hypocrisy !

This guy Nicolas Maduro lives in the past telling constant anecdotes about his relationship with Hugo Chavez and spitting fire and hate against the Opposition, accusing them of being murderers, criminals being "sold to American Imperialism".

But a Venezuelan Housewife already knows that Hugo Chavez is a Demi-God and Hero that is seated in Heaven between Jesus of Nazareth and the Virgin Mary. So that housewife does not care about the sainthood and heroism of Chavez.

She only cares about filling her refrigerator with food for her family. And the problem is the increasing scarcity and poverty in Venezuela and you can not get the first necessity products in many cities, towns and locations.

Devaluation and Inflation are destroying the Venezuelan Economy. ..... The economy is mono-exporter, after Chavez destroyed Industry and Entrepreneurship. He expropriated the bourgeois that he hated and became extremely rich in the process sending his moneys and those of his family abroad to tax havens.

Meanwhile Venezuela is one of the most Criminal Countries in the World with one of the highest rates of murder. Venezuela doubles Colombia in murders per 100,000 people and is four time more lethal than Mexico, even if there are mafia wars in Mexico.

So Venezuela is now a Thanatocracy, Necrocracy and Mausolocracy, that is the Government by reference to the past and to dead people : The Mummy of Chavez and the bones and skull of Bolivar rule and are being worshiped in a Mausoleum.

Henrique Capriles will apply the teachings of Henry David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela : Civil Resistance to Despotism, Passive Resistance, Disobeying the Tyrant.

Vicente Duque


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