Thursday, April 25, 2013

Standard & Poor’s "sovereign debt" credit ratings : Australia, Canada, Germany, Northern Europe, and United Kingdom AAA, United States and France AA+, China and Chile AA-, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Panama are BBB

India and Spain are BBB-

Those already mentioned are graded as Investment Possibility and Not Speculative. The As are superb investments in "sovereign debt". Note that India and Spain are below some Latin American Nations.

Zambia, Zimbabwe and Venezuela are B+ considered non investment grade and highly speculative. Only the Chinese are happy lending to Venezuela.

Argentina is a miserable B- , and is considered super speculative and most dangerous.

Perhaps that is the reason why the President Cristina Fernandez de Kirtchner is so Chavista and her nation owes many millions of dollars to oil rich Venezuela.

Other Venezuelan Clients : Cuba and Nicaragua are considered the worst of the worst for Sovereign debt. .... Bolivia and Ecuador are considered very poor and dangerous risks.

So you see how being chavista is not good for your credit ratings and your credit worthiness.

Note :

I corrected Colombia, a nation that was upgraded recently. I think that Turkey is going to become "investment grade" very soon or has already been upgraded. I will continue upgrading my list.


Source :
Credit Ratings

Credit Ratings


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