Monday, May 21, 2012

ESQUIRE.COM Magazine : "I'm Mitt Romney, bitches, and I'm all you got left." - ""I spent eight months tickling your G-spot on brown people pouring over our borders and then, yesterday, I flirt coyly with young Rubio on his Republican version of the DREAM Act."

"(Am I on both sides of that issue? Of course I am. I can bestride every issue, because I am a giant when I am standing on my piles of money.)"

"I got all I need from you snake-handling, tricorn-wearing bastards." - "I made myself into an unprincipled scoundrel even by my own personal standards."

"I should be president because I am rich and handsome and my great-granchildren are already financially bulletproof to the point where, if my pals in the financial-services "industry" crash the economy completely, and animal hides become the medium of exchange again, my great-grandchildren will have more pelts than anyone else, and they will rule the world. I should be president because I should be president. And because..."

"I spent eight months getting you mooks to clap every time I mentioned how the current president is screwing everything up."

"I brought out young Rubio because you folks needed a show, and you also needed to pretend that you don't want to round up everybody who looks like Marco Rubio and is not Marco Rubio. Good. You happy now? You think I'm gonna pick a young, charismatic guy who makes me look as though I have already passed the audition to be the animatronic President Romney at Disney World after my term is done? As I said, honkies, please. If I want to pick boring old Rob Portman, I will."

ESQUIRE Magazine
'I'm Mitt Romney': A Further Explanation
Monday, May 21, 2012

By Charles P. Pierce
Charles Pierce ( born 1953 ) is currently the lead political blogger for Esquire, a position he has held since September 2011.[6] He also writes for ESPN's Grantland.[7] He has also written for The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe Sunday magazine, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Sports Illustrated, The National Sports Daily, GQ, and the e-zine Slate as well as the Media Matters blog Altercation, hosted by historian/pundit Eric Alterman.

'I'm Mitt Romney': A Further Explanation


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