Monday, May 7, 2012

HuffPost : Robert Creamer : "If He Were President, the Far Right Would Lead Romney Around by a Ring in His Nose" - Mitt Romney is committed to one thing and one thing alone -- his own success. He has shown he has no core values whatsoever"


Romney only believes in his own selfishness, self-interest, egotism, narcissism, egoism, opportunism and egolatry. That is why Mitt is so stingy and ungenerous, Mitt lacks regard for the rights or feelings of others, Mitt has shockingly inconsiderate behavior.

Mitt Romney, the greatest unprincipled opportunist, lier and hypocrite would surrender to the Tea Party and the Extremists. He would rule America for himself and the top 1% in income.

Huffington Post
If He Were President, the Far Right Would Lead Romney Around by a Ring in His Nose
Believe that, as President, Mitt Romney would revert to his days as a "Massachusetts Moderate?" Think again.
May 6, 2012

By Robert Creamer
Political Organizer, Strategist, Author; Partner Democracy Partners

If He Were President, the Far Right Would Lead Romney Around by a Ring in His Nose

Some excerpts :

Every bit of evidence indicates that if he were President, the Far Right would lead Romney around by a ring in his nose.

Just last week, we saw it clearly on display. It didn't take but two weeks for the Far Right to force the Romney campaign to sever its ties with openly gay Richard Grinnell, who it had hired as its foreign policy spokesman. The campaign itself argued that it had begged Grinnell to stay. But right wing talk show host Brian Fischer of the American Family Association, who had led the drive to force Grinnell's resignation, declared it a major victory.

On his radio show, Fischer bragged that Romney had learned his lesson and would never again hire a gay or lesbian in a major campaign role. And you certainly didn't see Romney contesting that assessment.

Instead we've seen Romney lined up shoulder to shoulder on TV with Tea Party icon Michele Bachmann, and Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell -- a potential Romney VP pick and a champion of "trans-vaginal ultrasounds."

The reason why there is not a chance that Romney will ever reinvent himself once again as a "moderate" is that he wasn't really a "moderate" in the first place. He's always practiced one version or the other of ultra right wing, "let Wall Street run wild" Romney economics. And he's never given one thought to firing workers, cutting pensions, loading companies with debt and bleeding them dry of millions of dollars.

People who have no core values have no backbone. You won't find Mitt Romney taking a stand against the dyed-in-the-wool ideologues that dominate the Republican caucus in Congress.


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