Friday, May 18, 2012

What is the Future of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly. Lou Dobbs ?? - They may be Gods and Kingmakers if Romney wins - Otherwise early retirement ??. Their audiences may be dying or going into Geriatric Homes for Old Folks

Send the redneck pundits into Retirement or turn them into Gods ??

Can you imagine how these Republican "pundits" and "experts" will manipulate Mitt Romney, in case that he wins the Presidency ??

They want to push Romney into extremism and swift-boating of Obama.

Mormon Bishop Mitt Romney wants to keep the Reverend Wright story quiet. ....putting the highlight on religion in this election would be a huge mistake....for Romney. Obama has proven his former pastor has had no bearing on his time in the White House.

It is very clear than an intellectual and professor like President Obama is no Religious Fanatic or Bigot .....  Discussing Religion would only open the eyes and minds of people with catastrophic consequences for Mitt Romney ...  Mormons have a bigoted mindset and money-loving behavior. It is Historically a Religion of Brutal Dogamtic and Doctrinarian Racism, written in their most sacred scriptures.

Mormonism is also Historically a Religion of Brutality, Subjection and Enslavement of Women. Nobody can erase the Historical Racism and Women Debasing and Enslavement of Mormonism because it is written in their Holy Scriptures and most Sacred Books.


"Demography is Destiny" is a sentence that is often repeated. Perhaps it will be repeated after  the Presidential Election, in case that Obama wins his reelection. Perhaps this phrase will be ridiculed because something failed in the Economy and Obama loses.

I don't know who is going to win. I don't know who is going to control the House and the Senate. I can only speculate using polls, bets, and the best articles and theories of intellectuals about politics.

This is my Judgement now as today : Obama has big possibilities.

And the redneck pundits will lose a lot of charisma. Failing for so long in leading their flocks into the "Promised Land" of Tea Party Bigotry.

Vicente Duque


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