Thursday, November 1, 2012

America lost many valuable brave youngsters fighting against Nazi Germany - Why then should it elect a guy that represents many of the Nazi Values ?? .... Racism, Plutocracy, Mysogyny, Social Darwinism, despising the population, and considering themselves a privileged elite


I don't have to prove that Romney and Ryan despise half of the American Citizens. Because they have said so in their meetings with the Rich and Powerful that support them.

They represent Plutocracy and the wishes of the Plutocrats of having almost zero taxes and instead imposing taxes on the Middle Class. This is as clear as daylight at noon.

They represent Mysogyny and the most ridiculous Religious Fundamentalist American Taliban. Something that you saw in the Republican Primaries. With constant declarations of these bigots that want to snatch the female body and produce a retrogradation, a reversal or backward movement of Women's rights to the Middle Ages.

Mitt Romney is a coward that did not go to Vietnam with the Ridiculous Pretext or Excuse of being a "Mormon Missionary" in France. How despicable ! ... How Coward !1 ... and at the same time he was in pro-war demonstrations trying to send more American Youngsters to die in that tropical nation.

Nazi Germany was plutocratic, racist, mysogynist, elitist, giving everything to the rich and the military until it sank the whole World in a Big Tragedy.

Less known is that Mitt Romney has been in bed for long with the Worst Racists of America and by Association we can easily link him to White Supremacist Groups and Nazis.

Mitt Romney has been a very close friend of Jan Brewer ( Arizona Governor ), of Kris Kobach author of SB 1070, of Pete Wilson, a racist that tried to kick out the Latinos as Governor of California. And these two scoundrels occupy big posts in the Romney Campaign.

Mitt Romney is also supported by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Russell Pearce, super racist bigots that have wanted to turn Arizona into a Hell for Latinos. Mitt Romney has been good friend of these two scoundrels and has said that "Arizona is a model for the Nation".

Mitt Romney has also proposed to harass the Latino Population into "Self-Deportation", to make life so miserable and sad that they have to self-deport to countries where they probably don't know the language and the culture.

This Russell Pearce, author of SB 1070 with Kris Kobach has been excellent friend of J. T. Ready and Jeff Hall, that had a ridiculous group of American Nazis, with Swastikas and Nazi Flags, Totenkopfs,  the "sig runes", that were Runic insignia of the Schutzstaffel, directed by Heinrich Himmler, think of the Gestapo and the systematic murder of Jews, Gypsies, and Eastern Europeans.

Russell Pearce was the Godfather of J. T. Ready in the Mormon Religion Priesthood !.... Yes the same Mormon Religion that has practiced Racism since the times of "Prophet" Joseph Smith, the pedophile and pederast that enjoyed little girls, con man, swindler, thief, convicted felon that founded those Latter Day "Saints".

Racism is inscribed in the most fundamental scriptures of Mormonism, written by the scoundrel Joseph Smith.

And the Nazi Friends of Russell Pearce had horrible violent ends : J. T. Ready committed suicide after killing a baby ( one year old ) and some Women. Jeff Hall was killed by his 10 year old son because he was a brute of Domestic Violence battering his wife and children.

Kris Kobach has been supported by FAIR, an organization founded by guys of the White Supremacist Movement in America.

When you vote for Mitt Romney, you also vote for all this Racist Scum, and for the Violence against Women and the Deprivation of their Rights like equal pay, reproductive rights and others.

Vicente Duque


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