Friday, November 2, 2012

GOP is Chimera, monster made up of grotesquely disparate parts, taken from other animals : Confederate Nostalgics, Bible Thumpers, Old South Ignorants and Poor, White Supremacists, Jingoistic Fascists, Nazis, directed by a Polytheist that is going to be a God with his own planet

There are more parts in this crazy animal like Rich People rooting for their own wallets and moneys, and Crazy Libertarians that want a country without Taxes and Government. But without the ignorants and fools of my Title the GOP would not exist.

The blood of this Chimera is ignorance and imbecility, the main ingredients of the Republican Party. The Republican Party has achieved what Theoretical Physics has not been able to do : to have a single unifying Force called Hatred : This Unifying Universal Force acts against President Obama, Minorities, Gays, Lesbians, Youngsters, and most important against Women, these last beings should be barefoot and pregnant.

The Old Prophets of Israel would not believe that a Chimera like the GOP can exist, because they constantly thundered and threw lightning bolts against Polytheism. For them believing in multiple Gods was the worst abomination. And to be led through the desert by a Polytheist Mormon Mitt is like the sons of Israel being guided by the Pharaoh. ... This is the ultimate in deception and evil for those that created the Bible.

The GOP is made from the most backward elements of American Society, that is why they want to return to a Mythical past of Happiness, to a Golden Age of Security, to the Eisenhower Placenta of the Fifties, where they can float in the Amniotic Fluid without thinking.

It has been said that childbirth is very traumatic for the Newborn Baby. Welcome to the World of Reality Baby !.

Vicente Duque


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