Monday, November 12, 2012

VIDEO : Mike Papantonio and Ed Schultz : "Extremist GOP No Longer Relevant In Politics" - House Speaker John Boehner wants more of the same in Big Budget Cuts and no Taxes - GOP has to lose 2 or 3 more elections to change

GOP lost the election and is acting like a winner :

They have to lose some games to rebuild the infrastructure of the Football Team, because the GOP can't lose its extremism, racism, hate and bigotry overnight. They are in a vicious circle of fanaticism, of dogmatic doctrine, and that is a powerful addictive drug with no rehab clinic.

Mike Papantonio warn us against the deception and illusion that the GOP is going to change in four years or less. They will continue being the same rigid bigots, dogmatic doctrinaires, stubborn people allergic to change.

What House Speaker John Boehner is proposing is the same Fairy Tale that they have been preaching about Loopholes and Deductions that they will use to generate revenue. They have never explained that in detail, nothing specific. It is just Bullshit and the Fairy Tale of Trickle Down Economics. An unproved Theory that has failed many times in many places. Truly a Fairy Tale to enrich the Rich and impoverish the Poor.

Mike Papantonio is one of the most intelligent guys that I can find to analyze politics. That is why I am always following him, almost daily !!

Barry Goldwater said that Government demands compromise and that the "Fanatical Pastors" frightened him because they are rigid bigots. If pastors take over the Republican Party then Goldwater thought that they would ruin the GOP because they act on the name of God, and GOD is more important than GOP.

Change is not written in the Republican Party DNA of our days and they now are dependent on the votes of the most Fanatical Bigoted Pastors, the American Taliban.

Mike Papantonio says : Marco Rubio is not a True Latino, and his consideration that Latinos are conservative and love right wing ideas is totally false, they do not love right wing methods. Marco Rubio does not understand Latinos and is poorly informed about them, they escaped conservative governments and societies.

 Published on Nov 8, 2012 by golefttv

Mike Papantonio talks with Ed Schultz about the failures of the GOP and how their shift to the far right (thanks to the Tea Party) has made the party completely irrelevant to voters today.

Papantonio: Extremist GOP No Longer Relevant In Politics


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