Tuesday, November 6, 2012

VIDEO : Latinos energized to elect Former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine for a U. S. Senate seat - Latino Canvassers and DREAMERS gather in a big Mexican Restaurant with Democratic Party Operatives to continue work and reelect Obama - Mostly in English

"We Latinos will sway Virginia"  :

"Virginia is going to decide the Election so we are here" says a Latina Lady speaker from Maryland at the meeting" .... "We are the largest Minority to move this country forward" .... "With the DREAMERS we move the USA forward, Health Care, etc .... with Tim Kaine" ....

"This can be won only with Hard Work and Tim Kaine is with us ! ...." ... "I worked with Senator Barack Obama and made a great friendship with him .... Wonderful Senator Obama and President !" .... "Romney would veto the DREAM ACT"....

"We are our brothers keeper, our sisters keeper" .....

Another Latino guy :

"Si no votamos no contamos" ( If we don't vote then we don't count ) -  Remember something that happened in Prince William County. - Remember that Mitt Romney says that "Arizona is the Model for the Nation".

Something very grave happened in Prince William County, the speaker repeats many times. ....

The only Policy of Mitt Romney towards Latinos is "Self-Deportation" .....

"Our Future is with Tim Kaine and Barack Obama" ....  Every vote counts and some elections have been won by 20 votes or even lesss.

If you haven't voted absentee then you have to make presence on Tuesday at the voting booth.

The National Council La Raza will continue helping us.

Latinos for Kaine and Obama Rally in Virginia


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