Sunday, November 11, 2012

Frank Rich in New York Mag : The most caustic attack of a Very Great Writer against the GOP Madness and Denial of Reality - GOP is "Haven for Racists", "Poison for America" - Few People are so fearless as to tell the sad and tragic Truth

Frank Rich warns us against a GOP that won't change its "faith-based view of reality" .... It is very dangerous to trust a party that constantly denies reality and lives off lies !


"Barry Goldwater’s opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy” transformed the party of Lincoln into a haven for racists."

"The rude jolt administered by the election does not mean that the GOP will now depart from its faith-based view of reality—though it will surely heed Laura Ingraham’s postelection call for changing “the language of dealing with Latinos.”"

There are many editorialist and writers but there is only one Frank Rich, I take off my hat before this Great Guy !!

New York Magazine
Denial has poisoned the GOP and threatens the rest of the country too.
By Frank Rich

November 9, 2012

Fantasyland : Denial has poisoned the GOP and threatens the rest of the country too.

Some excerpts :

That a presidential hopeful so cavalierly mendacious could get so close to the White House, winning some 48 percent of the popular vote, is no small accomplishment. The American weakness that Romney both apotheosized and exploited in achieving this feat—our post-fact syndrome where anyone on the public stage can make up anything and usually get away with it—won’t disappear with him. A slicker liar could have won, and still might.


In truth, Romney was a perfect embodiment of the current GOP. As much as the Republican Party is a radical party, and a nearly all-white party, it has also become the Fantasyland Party. It’s an isolated and gated community impervious to any intrusions of reality from the “real America” it solipsistically claims to represent. This year’s instantly famous declaration by the Romney pollster Neil Newhouse that “we’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers” crystallized the mantra of the entire GOP.


Daniel Patrick Moynihan might be surprised to learn that he is now remembered most for his oft-repeated maxim that “everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” Yet today most Americans do see themselves as entitled to their own facts, with one of our two major political parties setting a powerful example. For all the hand-wringing about Washington’s chronic dysfunction and lack of bipartisanship, it may be the wholesale denial of reality by the opposition and its fellow travelers that is the biggest obstacle to our country moving forward under a much-empowered Barack Obama in his second term. If truth can’t command a mandate, no one can.


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