Sunday, March 31, 2013

The oldest baby boomer was born in early 1946 and is 2013-1946 years old, that is 67. There are 78 million native-born baby boomers - Who will buy their homes when they retire to Happy Sunshine Florida ??, Who will care for them in Institutions or at home ??

The problem is that America later in the sixties became very fond of pills, condoms, intra-Uterines, injections, etc .... Baby Boomers is the Greatest Cohort ever.

Enter the immigrants to the scene !. - Would you mind if your ass is cleaned by "The Other" and "The Otherness" ?? -- And your wheelchair is pushed by them ?? You may become like Stephen Hawkings, the greatest genius in this planet ( in your Wheelchair, not in his Math and Physics ! ).

And there is another problem. The labor force is shrinking. Where are you going to recruit people for labor ?? ... Specially if you have to work under the sun as in Agriculture, Construction, Landscaping, Garbage Collection. Some jobs naturally require young people and are not fit for middle age humans or seniors.

For example disemboweling chickens, poultry, pigs, cattle. This is not for Old People.

Or fighting Al-Qaedas overseas and domestic bad guys in the streets, kindergardens, churches, schools and theaters !

This is the question of the one million dollars : What is America going to do ??

Impose Self-Deportation Mitt Style.

That would be the Mitterminator !!

Vicente Duque


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