Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Secret Weapon of President Obama is not the Bad Republican Governors doing stupidities - It is his personality - The Clinton Nutcracker in 2008 could not crack the Hard Obama nut : that is endurance, resilience under stress

The Clinton pliers could not bend, cut or crush Senator Obama - He has also showed boldness, audacity, courage, valor, bravery under stress and danger.... We saw that in the Osama Bin Laden Assassination Covert Operation ( Navy Seals, Delta Forces, etc ) .... .

From the year 2008 to the present times we had to endure Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck ... etc ... selling the idea that Obama was a Sissy and a Coward, Add John McCain and Sarah Palin to that picture of Right Wing Bigots.

These Republicans have lost their best friend : Osama Bin Laden, the best Bogeyman to scare Children and Fools with the idea that there are many Islamic "Terrorists" under every American Bed.

Now, they tell us that Obama is easy to defeat in the Presidential Election of November 2012 - Nothing farther from the Truth, Obama is an excellent, experienced and proven campaigner ...

The Right Wing Bigots and Fox News ( pleonasm ! ) scared the fools in 2008 with the idea that Obama was inexperienced and "didn't look presidential" ..... Those foolishness worked very well until we saw Obama playing basketball like a professional in the same News Program in which John McCain traveled in a Golf Cart in the lawns like a retired Old Guy waiting for the mercy of death.

And I have not mentioned the other powerful qualities of Citizen Obama : Intelligent, Cerebral, an Intellect, Brain, Student and Professor of the Best Universities, Scholar of Laws and Decisions of the Supreme Court. By the way Obama is necessary to halt the "Conservative Judicial Activism" of SCOTUS by nominating more Liberal Justices.

Obama is not Hitler, Stalin or Citizen Kane, but is the best option to stop the many Citizen Kanes and Holligsworth Hounds ( from my favorite Comic "Lucky Ducky" ).

The guys that want to become richer and richer, by not paying taxes and denying all services to Minorities and the Poor. These Holligsworth Hounds call "Entitlements" with derision to what are natural human rights like Education and Health.

I trust God and the Good Sense of Americans to elect Obama and turn down the Scrooges of the Budget and enemies of "Obamacare" ...

America has been in a process of Relative Decline compared to other nations that are acquiring power in every sense ..... If you want to accelerate that Decline, Declination, Decay and Decadence, then vote for the Scrooges that want the Government to do nothing except firing teachers, policemen, firefighters, and public employees.

And that want to punish Women for being Women, Gays for being Gays, and Latinos for being Hispanics.

Vicente Duque

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