Friday, July 1, 2011

Obama carried eight industrial states in 2008: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. This is where the election will be decided. Obama should make up with Organized Labor and court White Workers. Win the Industrial Midwest or lose the election.

Getting the Latino and Black Vote for Obama is easy, but the President must defend Minorities from ugly Republican Gerrymandering, Obama should defend Latinos in Texas from Redistricting that cancels their influence.

Please Mr Obama defend Blacks in North Carolina from the same ugly Redistricting for Republican Abusive Power. Use the powers and lawyers of the Justice Department.

And do not forget to court the Jewish vote, be prudent on Israel Matters.

How to lose an election

Martin Frost, who served in the House from 1979 to 2005, was the Democratic Caucus chairman and head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
June 30, 2011

How to lose an election

Some excerpts :

Obama could lose the election if he gets blitzed in the industrial Midwest.

Obama carried eight industrial states in 2008: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. He probably can’t win Indiana in 2012 and probably can’t lose his home state of Illinois. The other six are all up for grabs. Republicans did very well in those states in the 2010 elections.

Central to Obama’s success in the industrial heartland in 2008 was the role of organized labor, which has a significant membership in all eight states. Labor has been ambivalent about Obama over the past two years because of his failure to push its No.1 legislative priority: card check. It is also disheartened by his recent embrace of free-trade agreements.

Obama must kiss and make up with labor between now and November 2012. Republican governors in these heartland states have helped him by going on an anti-labor tear since their elections.

Obama could also lose important minority support if his Justice Department takes a pass on aggressive congressional redistricting plans that discriminate against minority voters in states like Texas and North Carolina.

The Texas plan penalizes the state’s growing Latino community, and North Carolina Republicans are seeking to minimize African-American influence. The implications of these plans extend far beyond the boundaries of the two states involved.

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