Monday, May 9, 2011

Hi this is my new blog

The idea is that we love and admire President Obama :

Look, Obama is not perfect, he has defects as any Human Being, but he is a good man and is the best in this time and situation.....

I think that Obama is the best guy for Peace, even if he has made mistakes of going into wars with the Hawks, we have to forgive and understand him.

Domestically, his policies are better, because the Economy needs government stimulus, and too much belt tightening can lead America and the World into a painful Recession or Depression.

If you do not love President Obama like me, then think of this : He is the lesser of many evils : Can you imagine John McCain as President, or Sarah Palin ?? .... can you imagine Donald Trump or Michele Bachmann ??

God save us, America and the World from the McCains, Palins, Trumps and Bachmanns.

The World should not be led by Jingoists, Chauvinists, Hyper Nationalists, Super Patriots and Hawks that want wars everywhere..

America is the Greatest Nation that the World has seen, but I do not believe that God made a pact with America of "Forever Greatness", like the pact with Abraham and Israel.

I do not believe that the "Plymouth Rock" is as sacred as the Vatican, Mecca or the Potala Palace in Tibet.

Yes, America can decay and decline and her children can fall in decadence and stupidity, Glenn Beck style and Rush Limbaugh style....

Generalized Wars everywhere are a Grave Mistake and they are immoral and inhuman.

And the Economy can not be saved firing teachers, nurses, policemen and firefighters and having the roads, bridges and highways in disrepair because of penny pinching.

So friends, I initiate this blog with love for Obama, America, the World ( including the poor and backward nations of the "Third World" ... and with love for everybody.

My blog is a new baby, many things do not work, the domain name is mine but I still do not put it into use, you have to call ;

but I am very bullish, elated, enthusiastic, passionate, vigorous, alive, commited, excited, devoted, ardent, ebullient.


And please Obamites, help me in any way, to exalt Mr Obama and laugh at his critics !

Vicente Duque

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