Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Obama goes to El Paso Texas and can get a lot of Money from that State for his campaign, also laying the groundwork for a Democratic Party that perhaps can dominate after year 2014 or later.

From "The American Prospect" : It is very difficult to win Texas for Obama in year 2012, but given the Demographic Changes in that state, it is not madness to think that someday Texas will be a "blue" ( Democratic ) state, snatched from the Republican Dominion.

By trying to snatch Texas from Republicans ( not an easy task ! ) Obama shows Political courage, bravery and decision. 

The American Prospect
Obama's Long Game
By Patrick Caldwell
May 10, 2011

Obama's Long Game

Some excerpts :

Bob Perry -- the funder for the Swift Boats ads in 2004 -- may be the Texas donor with the highest profile, but in the 2010 election, a lawyer named Steve Mostyn contributed over $9 million to state Democratic causes. Texas Dems may be few and far between, but given the size of the state there are still major funders looking for causes. A little acknowledgement from the president could go a long way toward filling his re-election coffers. As part of his jaunt down south, Obama will host DNC fundraisers in Austin.

Beyond boosting fundraising, Obama could help shift the landscape for future elections. The last midterms may have been a bloodbath for Texas Dems, but there are reasons to believe 2012 will look very different. The electorate in 2010 was largely white, old, and well-off -- all groups that tend to vote Republican – but the next Election Day will see a larger turnout from other parts of society that break for Democrats. Texas picked up four new electoral votes in the 2010 census, with the majority of that population growth among the Latino community.

Texas Democrats will be less concerned with Obama’s campaign than state races next cycle. Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison is leaving her seat open and the Democrats have already recruited retired Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, and they will likely hope to gain some of their newly appropriated seats in the House. Presidential visits always draw a crowd and rally the base; a little love and attention can go a long way in bringing voters to the polls. Even if they lose all open state elections in 2012, laying the groundwork of Democratic politics is a smart strategy as the demographics continue shifting toward a heavily Latino population that is sympathetic to Democratic campaigns.

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