Friday, May 27, 2011

HuffPost : The Values Voters : Lots of Pastors and Evangelical Christians fired up by the Conservative Triumph in 2010. - Pre-Candidates Palin, Bachman, Pawlenty, Cain, Santorum will have to fight for the Legacy of Mike Huckabee

It is as if Mike Huckabee died and they are relatives fighting for his assets - Mitt Romney being a Mormon is not attractive ( at the start of the race ) for this super traditional Americans. However Mitt Romney is the Front Runner and the Establishment Candidate in a Party that historically is very Hierarchical - No doubt that Romney has the Power of Money and Fundraising behind him. And he is more sane ( at least politically speaking ).

Huffington Post
Michele Bachmann Plans Presidential Announcement In Iowa
May 26, 2011

Michele Bachmann Plans Presidential Announcement In Iowa

Some excerpts :

All are certain to play well with a GOP caucus electorate filled with Christian evangelicals who are emboldened by the clout they wielded in 2008 when they helped former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee win the caucuses.

While in Iowa this week, Bachmann was due to hold private meetings with pastors, business leaders and elected officials. Sachtleben said it wasn't immediately clear which of the events would still occur. She was also planning to meet with supporters who have been building a network to facilitate a 2012 bid.

But Palin isn't in the race, leaving Huckabee's network of supporters and donors in Iowa up for grabs. Bachmann has made no secret of her attempts to fill the void the Baptist minister left in the race, and suggested in interviews after he bowed out that she was more likely to run.

Bachmann aides say she would run a populist campaign much like Huckabee's, but with an asset he lacked: the ability to raise enough money to compete in states beyond Iowa if she were to win it. She's raised more than $2.5 million since she's been flirting with a White House bid.

"There's certainly no way she's going to come into Iowa and sweep up the entire tea party movement. There's no way that's going to happen," said Charlie Gruschow, a founder of the Des Moines Tea Party. He's the Iowa state director for former pizza magnate Herman Cain's campaign, and said Texas Rep. Ron Paul also is attractive to tea party members.

Bachmann is certain to face competition for values voters from former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, both of whom are stressing their faith and records on issues such as opposition to abortion.

Scott Bailey, president of the Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators, said while Bachmann's experience with home-schooling her own children gives voters "an initial interest and makes them want to know more," the connection won't automatically translate into caucus support.

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