Monday, February 27, 2012

HuffPost : Michigan's Republicans rammed a bill creating this statewide primary through the legislature to the cost of $10,000,000 paid by Taxpayers. Democrats can make mischief and maybe deliver a mortal wound to the Romney campaign

To all Democrats in Michigan : Cast your vote for Santorum for maximum effect and maximum havoc. ..... Savor the opportunity to cause problems to GOP. After all you ( the taxpayer ) are paying for it.

Huffington Post
Michigan Dems, Independents Should Vote for Santorum in Michigan Primary
By Joe DiSano
Long-time veteran of Michigan politics
February 24, 2012

Michigan Dems, Independents Should Vote for Santorum in Michigan Primary

Some excerpts :

Let's be clear though -- chances are good Mitt Romney will be the GOP nominee regardless of what happens in Michigan. But we can assist in making it as costly for Romney and his corporate supporters as possible. It is in every Democrats best interest for this process to continue right up until the GOP convention.

I would wager the American public would render any political party with a brokered convention as unfit to run the government. We can help create that out come this Tuesday.

Now some will say that we could actually help deliver the nomination to Santorum and we may regret that outcome.

Don't be distracted by the sideshow. Santorum matters little on Tuesday. He is only a convenient vessel to embarrass Romney on the national stage. The Romney people have set the bar so high in Michigan through their massive spending Romney needs to win a resounding victory in Michigan of at least 10 percent to beat expectations and quell the demands for a stronger nominee. The national press is ready to tell the story that Romney got beat on his home turf. You can help make that happen.

To vote in the Republican primary a voter simply needs to request to do so. You don't need to say that you are a Republican, and you would still be able to vote in the Michigan Democratic Party May 5 caucuses, and to re-elect President Obama in November.

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