Tuesday, February 7, 2012

VIDEO : Cenk Uygur : Romney 'Misspoke' On 'Very Poor' Comments - The Mormon Missionary constantly "misspeaks" against Minorities, the Poor, the Disadvantaged, the Middle Class and in favor of the Super Rich and Wealthy

This guy Mitt Romney is Topmost in Lies, Hypocrisy, that is why he is constantly entangled with his tongue and the "Lapsus Linguae", mistakes of his tongue. What a lack of character, the superb  flip-flopper.

Mitt Romney is constantly betrayed by his tongue, the tongue says what he really thinks : "I enjoy firing people", "I am not worried about the poor", "the foreclosures should continue without changes", etc ...

Does anybody believe that Mitt Romney cares more for the Poor than for the Rich ?? - Is anybody so naive ??

Uploaded by TheYoungTurks on Feb 3, 2012

Mitt Romney claims he 'misspoke' when he said he didn't care for very poor people. Is the 2012 Republican Presidential candidate telling the truth? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down, including Mitt's comments on foreclosing houses.

Romney 'Misspoke' On 'Very Poor' Comments


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