Sunday, February 5, 2012

The low turnout in the Republican Primaries spells a big defeat for the Republican Party in November 2012 - Betting Houses, Casinos, Gamblers, Bettors and Bookies are preferring President Obama by a margin of 56.9% in bets

And some of the Republican Primary voters may be disguised Democrats and Independents that want to have a "high" by "Changing History".... Yes, to be an American Voter is to have a big power to change the USA and the rest of the World. The President of the USA is like the President of the World.

In 2008, the GOP counted 44,324 votes in Nevada. If current calculations hold, that would mean there were about 10,000 fewer votes in 2012 than in 2008,

Republican Primary in Florida : Turnout in 2012 descended 14% from the 2008 figure. - From 1,949,498 in 2008 to 1,673,348 in 2012 - My Inner Prophet : That is a horrible omen for the Republican Party

Low turnout in Nevada and Florida shows that voters are unhappy with their choices, said Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul,

Fewer voters came out in Nevada and Florida than four years ago,

My Prophecy of Defeat for the Republican Party in November 2012 :

The number of people that identify themselves as Republicans is down by 10 percent overall through the first four voting states. This is giving me the impression that this year we could witness a great defeat for Republicans. Because I see no enthusiasm in the Republican Base.

It is my very strong conviction and persuasion that Turnout at the Republican Primaries is a predictor of Republican Turnout in the General Presidential Election.

In the first three early-voting states, Republican turnout was up from 2008 — just slightly in Iowa and New Hampshire, but significantly in South Carolina, where it jumped by 35 percent.

Turnout only among voters who identified as Republican in exit polls in the early-voting states. This is arguably the more relevant comparison because Democrats do not have a competitive nomination race this year, freeing up voters who might have voted in the Democratic primary to vote in the Republican one instead.

Among Republican identifiers, turnout was down by 11 percent in Iowa, by 15 percent in New Hampshire and by 16 percent in Florida. It is also down by 10 percent overall through the first four voting states.


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