Sunday, August 19, 2012

November 2012 : A choice between Dignity and Greed, between Lunacy and Reason - Dignity not only for Blacks, Browns and in General Minorities, but also for the exploited 99% that pay a higher tax rate than the Romneys


Aristocracy and Money does not mean Goodness or Morality :

Read here about the "Murder of the Century" in Chicago when Super Rich "Leopold and Loeb" killed for amusement and pleasure in 1924. 

The United States should not fall in a Racist Plutocracy, when there is a Beautiful Dawn ahead, a sunny morning, sunshine and a blue sky. When the nation has at its helm a Great Man and Great President.

The recovery from the rampage and destruction of Trickle Down Economics can not be derailed by the Lunacy of the Romney-Ryan Ticket.

Romney has been in bed with the worst racists of America and has a total lack of character, shown since he was 18 years old and acting as a bully, "Brutal Barber" and "Fake Cop".

He has continued being the bully. By telling many lies everyday and being the Perfection in Hypocrisy, the Topmost in Cynicism.

According to Ann Romney we should believe in the word of her husband Mitt Romney because he is Rich and Successful, and those guys are always decent, honest and have "Golden Integrity" ( in the words of Ann ).

That is very unreasonable, many of the Worst Criminals that the World has seen have been very rich people ( in the USA and elsewhere ).


Aristocracy does not mean Goodness or Morality


Think of "Leopold and Loeb", two aristocrats from Chicago that killed for pleasure and to show that they were superior beings being so rich and wealthy. The murder had no other purpose than to play a game against those poor and despicable people called policemen and detectives. The duo were motivated to murder Franks by their desire to commit a perfect crime

"Leopold and Loeb", were two wealthy University of Chicago law students (with undergraduate degrees from the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan, respectively) who murdered 14-year-old Robert "Bobby" Franks in 1924 and were sentenced to life imprisonment.

Leopold and Loeb have been the inspiration for several works in film, theater, and fiction, such as the 1929 play Rope by Patrick Hamilton and Alfred Hitchcock's 1948 film of the same name.

Vicente Duque


Source :

Leopold and Loeb in Wikipedia


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