Sunday, August 5, 2012

VIDEO : Jennifer Granholm, Former Governor of Michigan : "Granholm 'looks under the hood' of Romney's job plan" - This Great Lady has a strong dislike for Mitt Romney because Mitt wanted to sink the Car Industry and spread poverty in the Industrial Midwest

Jennifer Granholm is Goddess Athena of Wisdom combined with Goddess Aphrodite of Beauty :

Mitt Romney's Plan is nothing but Lots of Lies and Deception for Fools. - Analyzing this plan Jennifer discovers that Mitt is going to send 800,000 American Jobs overseas. Mitt is going to increase the National Debt to the skies or to the outer planets.

 Published on Aug 3, 2012 by Current

Mitt Romney claims that he can do better than the president in creating jobs and drafted a five-point plan that he presented in Colorado yesterday. The plan outlines a strategy that will purportedly create 12 million jobs, an unprecedented number for any president. The plan's five points included nots on energy, education, trade policy, small business and fiscal responsibility.

Tune in Weeknights at 9e/6p on Current TV

Granholm 'looks under the hood' of Romney's job plan


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