Friday, August 17, 2012

VIDEO, Ed Schultz and Mike Papantonio: "Tea Bag Republicans In The Abyss With Paul Ryan" - They have been so occupied with opposition to Obama that they do not have a clear detailed plan for Health Care - Ryan is Lunatic on Medicare and Medicaid for Seniors


The Ayn Rand Ticket of Brutal Social Darwinism :

Paul Ryan is the author of VoucherCare : something absurd for Seniors, a plan that harms Elderly Citizens. - They are watching how Medical Care is skyrocketing and Paul Ryan wants to rob them of six thousand dollars per year.

Mitt Romney is not able to explain his plan for Medicare and Medicaid because he has no clear idea, in fact he has no plan. The Romney-Ryan ticket is topmost in Disorganization.

Sacrifice Seniors in the Altar of Tax Cuts for the Super Rich and Super Wealthy. Romney and Ryan will become richer treading over the corpses of the Elderly :

The Republican Ticket is War on the Middle Clasas, the War on the Elderly, The War on the Poor and Minorities.

VoucherCare is very repugnant !

 Published on Aug 14, 2012 by golefttv

Mike Papantonio appears on The Ed Shultz Show to discuss the problems Mitt Romney faces with Medicare and the Paul Ryan Plan.

Papantonio: Tea Bag Republicans In The Abyss With Paul Ryan


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