Saturday, August 4, 2012

Pathological Liars like Mitt Romney and super Bigamist William "Michael" Barber that deceived and ruined 15 wives, were discovered to have 26 percent more white matter, a component of the central nervous system comprised mostly of axons that has been linked to lying in previous studies


Wonderful description of Mitt Romney !! :

A pathological liar is usually defined as someone who constantly lies to get their way. Pathological lying is often focused and goal oriented. It is viewed as a coping mechanism. And they are frequently thought of as manipulative, cunning and self-centered.

It is extremely difficult to lie, you may blush and betray yourself, you may twist or make signals with your fingers that show that you are a bastard, you may stammer and that reveals the scoundrel inside you. To reach the "State of the Art" like Mitt Romney or William Michael Barber you have to develop certain areas of your brain for manipulation, cunning, deceit, chicanery.

"Prophet" Joseph Smith, founder of Mormons, a great con man, thief and swindler, This "Prophet" mastered the topmost in lies, hypocrisy and manipulation. And Mitt Romney should have learned a lot in those "Mysteries" and "Secret Ceremonies" of Mormons.

And by the way Con Artist Swindler William Michael Barber is living destitute in a room with 40 beds and super poverty, Women are not allowed in that Poor House, so that the does not deceive Wife Number 16.

Mitt Romney connected his neurons of "The Bully", "Brutal Barber" and "Fake Cop" at the age of 18, and at that age the personality is 100% perfectly formed.


A study published in the October 2005 British Journal of Psychiatry :

Ten-year-olds also develop more white matter in the prefrontal cortex just as they become more adept and crafting believable lies. Those with autism, who usually are incapable of lying, have consistently shown to have less white matter, so it is suspected there is a correlation between the amount of white matter and the frequency with which a person will lie. The study also indicated that because pathological lying may be a direct result of brain structure, a treatment may not be possible.


Sources :

Psychology & Research Methods for Pathological Liars

 The Honest Truth About Liars



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