Thursday, June 30, 2011

VIDEO, Keith Olbermann : "The constitution requires that all Government debts have to be paid" ... Obama knows that he has special and additional powers" - Jonathan Turley, Law Professor, George Washington University

Democrats can use the Tea Party Republican's Dogma about the Sanctity of the Constitution - The 14th amendment says that The validity of the U. S. debt can not be questioned, The Supreme Court said in the 1930s that the Government debt is a sacred pledge that Congress can not mess with.

"You can not question the debt of the U. S." ... "Congress can not take actions to prompt default" ...

The Obama Administration could very well order the Secretary of the Treasury to pay some of these debts ... ( with a machine printing dollars ?? .... or issuing more debt ?? ).

For Law Literalists and strict Textualists the Constitution says that You can not take steps to undermine the payment of debt.

This is not clear and has never being tested, it has never been resolved by the Supreme Court,

Obama says that he does not want to abuse being a Constitutional Scholar.

Uploaded by MiniRtist on Jun 29, 2011

Countdown with Keith Olbermann 2 - Jonathan Turley on Debt Ceiling Constitutionality

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